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Re: 970827: netCDF Installation Problem on Cray J932

>To: address@hidden
>From: Chuck Divine x3887 <address@hidden>
>Subject: netCDF Installation Problem on Cray J932
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199708271403.IAA25710

Hi Chuck,

> I am attempting to install netCDF 3.3.1 on a Cray J932 here at Goddard
> Space Flight Center.
> As per your instructions in the INSTALL file, I am sending you the
> following items:
> 1.   Output of uname -a
> sn9609 charney roo.5 CRAY J90
> 2.   Contents of file VERSION
> 3.3.1
> 3.   I modified the configure file by inserting the following from the
>      INSTALL file:
>     CC=/opt/ctl/bin/cc
>     CFLAGS=-O3
>     FC=/opt/ctl/bin/f90
>     FFLAGS='-O3 -F -i64 -dp'  # "-F" enables macro substitution in code
>                               # "-i64" enables INTEGER/int equivalence
>                               # "-dp" enables DOUBLEPRECISION/double
>                               #     equivalence.
>     CXX=/opt/ctl/bin/CC
>     CXXFLAGS='-h char'                # necessary due to a bug in the C++ 
> compiler
> 9.   I finally issued the make command with the following outputs:
>      Standard:
> Making `all' in directory /usr/local/src/netcdf-3.3.1/src/libsrc
>       /opt/ctl/bin/cc -c -O3 -I.  -DNDEBUG dim.c
>       /opt/ctl/bin/cc -c -O3 -I.  -DNDEBUG error.c
>       /opt/ctl/bin/cc -c -O3 -I.  -DNDEBUG -DVERSION=`cat ../VERSION` 
> libvers.c
>       /opt/ctl/bin/cc -c -O3 -I.  -DNDEBUG nc.c
>       /opt/ctl/bin/cc -c -O3 -I.  -DNDEBUG ncio.c
>       /opt/ctl/bin/cc -c -O3 -I.  -DNDEBUG ncx.c
>      Error file:
> CC-167 cc: ERROR File = ncx.c, Line = 2254
>   Argument of type "const word *" is incompatible with parameter of type 
> "void *"
>           .
>                         int lstatus = cput_short_short(wp, tp, 0);
>                                                        ^

> Is there something I'm missing?  Your documentation indicates a
> successful installation on a Cray J90 running Unicos

The Cray C compiler now (under Cray PrgEnv 3.0) catches an error that it
used to ignore (under Cray PrgEnv 2.0).

I think just changing line 2248 of ncx.c (and ncx_cray.c) from

                const word *wp = *xpp;
                word *wp = *xpp;

will fix the problem.

If that works for you, I'll add this to the "Known Problems with the
current netCDF distribution" page and make sure the fix gets into the
next release.

Thanks for reporting the problem!


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu