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[netCDF #LIB-582324]: Instructions for loading NetCDF with gfortran/gcc compatibility
- Subject: [netCDF #LIB-582324]: Instructions for loading NetCDF with gfortran/gcc compatibility
- Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 10:14:36 -0600
If I am reading this correctly, you placed all of the subdirectories in
/usr/local/bin, e.g.
Correct? Assuming so, you would invoke the configure script for netcdf-fortran
as follows:
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/bin/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/bin/lib/"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/bin/lib" ./configure
Note that you will need to either set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as a persistent
environmental variable, or set it manually when you run 'make check'.
If this does not solve the problem, will you please provide the config.log
generated when you run configure?
Thanks, I hope this helps,
> Greetings,
> I'm trying to load the WRF ARW from NCAR, and I need to proper version of
> netCDF first. I tried loading the netcdf-4.3.2 and installed it and put
> the distribution (with bin, include, lib, netcdf-4.3.2 and share
> subdirectories in /usr/local/bin). I think it was successful because if I
> go into bin, I can run ncdump. After getting an error message when typing
> "configure" for the WRF ARW which said:
> Error : Not found /usr/local/netcdf/include/netcdf.inc
> Please check this installation of NetCDF and re-run this
> configuration
> (and I set NETCDF to /usr/local/netcdf)
> I found that I needed to download the fortran version (forgot where I found
> that). When I try to configure the Fortran 4.4.2 version, I get this error:
> configure: error: netcdf.h could not be found. Please set CPPFLAGS. I saw
> the online response at
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/support/help/MailArchives/netcdf/msg11029.html
> (for someone else) and so I set CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/netcdf/include and
> LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/netcdf/lib, but that didn't work.
> Any ideas? I use gfortran and gcc for my compilers.
> Thanks,
> Brandt Maxwell
> NWS San Diego
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LIB-582324
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed