nj22 is not optimized for high performance, or really for writing, so i would be interested in what you can acheive. make sure you put time as the unlimited dimension, make sure fill values are off, is the only advice i can think of. if i get a chance i will try a test case. Dejan Vucinic wrote:
Hi John, I'm having trouble figuring out how to write "movie" files using the nc22 library. I'm capturing short clips at very high frame rates, say 300x300 pixels of byte values at 100fps, which comes out to some 8 MB/s to disk. nc22 can write over 18 MB/s on this machine, but I'm missing the idioms for repeatedly writing the same memory-mapped buffer to successive locations inside the data file on disk. Does this functionality exist? Thanks, Dejan Vucinic address@hidden