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[netCDF #HHW-536199]: NetCDF information files
- Subject: [netCDF #HHW-536199]: NetCDF information files
- Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 10:50:20 -0600
Hi Thomas,
> I am working on the TOTAL's environment service and I would like to get
> some specific information conserning NetCDF data.
> Indeed, I got a current data in NetCDF format from HYCOM service and I
> would like to used it in my oil spill modelling software in TOTAL.
> However, my oil spill software needs to get an IMP file besides the NetCDF
> file. in which the keywords (like "TYPE-VECTOR; TYPE-DATA",etc.) and
> the values (like "UV" conserning the "TYPE-VECTOR") associated for each
> Keyword (as you can see below my email with a screen shot of my software
> user's manual).
> But, I suppose value script depend on NetCDF provider, so these
> value script as you can see in my screen shot may be change with the
> providers. Am I right to think this or not?
Yes, the data provider can use different names for variables, dimensions,
or attributes. Providers who follow the Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions
for netCDF Metadata make it easier for software to recognize what data is in a
netCDF file, and how the coordinates are represented.
Fortunately, you can find out what you need to know to import the netCDF
data by looking at the metadata in human-readable form. One easy way to
do this is to use the "ncdump" command-line program on the netCDF file,
printing out just the "header" information:
ncdump -h foo.nc
> I tried to write Keywords with values but my oil spill software can
> not read correctly my IMP file. Probably, this is caused by a bad and
> error in my IMP script... I have not abilities and software requires
> for opening and reading the NetCDF file. So, I would like to know et
> get the value for each keyword provides from the HYCOM, NOAA COPERNICUS
> NetCDF. Do you know this? If yes, can you send me their specific value
> for each provider as I wrote before please?
Sorry, we don't know what names HYCOM or NOAA COPERNICUS use in
their programs, but you could find out with a program such as ncdump or
by using one of the other techniques mentioned here:
ncdump is one of the utility programs made available with netCDF-C
so you may aleady have it available. If not, instructions for getting or
netCDF-C are here:
Russ Rew UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HHW-536199
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed