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Russ Rew: Re: NEXRAD Level 2 data and display
- Subject: Russ Rew: Re: NEXRAD Level 2 data and display
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 10:51:06 -0600
------- Forwarded Message
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 10:49:55 -0600
From: Russ Rew <address@hidden>
To: Dick Oye <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: NEXRAD Level 2 data and display
Hi Dick,
The OU/CAPS/UW Level II radar project (project CRAFT, see
<http://www.caps.ou.edu/CAPS/craft.html> or
<http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/craft/craft/>) that is currently
distributing some level 2 data via Unidata's LDM is using a custom
compression scheme to fit the data in a 56k bandwidth, so is not using
netCDF for this.
When I type the keywords "netcdf radar polar" in to the google search engine
at http://www.google.com/, it returns 75 matches, but I haven't
looked at all of these to see if any might be relevant. This one
might be of interest, from NOAA/FSL:
I checked and couldn't find any radar CDLs in the AWIPS CDLs we have
or in the NUWG conventions, so I don't know of anything else for polar
form without checking all of the search engine hits ...
- --Russ
> I want to follow up on some of our quick conversations in the lunch
> line on UNIDATA's plans for acquiring, distributing, and displaying
> the level 2 data. My primary interest is a widely acceptable netcdf
> form of radar and lidar data as scanned and I would like to know if
> anyone anywhere has already tackled this.
> I don't know whether this is an issue or not for your project. I have
> not yet been in contact with UW folks but I have some second hand
> information that their primary interest is in generating a gridded
> data set and would have no need for netcdf data in polar form. This is
> an interest I share and have done some work on for a seperate USWRP
> project but ATD's interest is in accessability to radar and lidar data
> in polar form as scanned.
> --
> Dick Oye address@hidden
> Research Data Program address@hidden
> Atmospheric Technology Division
> National Center for Atmospheric Research Voice: 303-497-8809
> P.O. Box 3000 Fax: 303-497-2044
> Boulder, Co. 80307-3000
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