Hi Janet: Once you have a NetcdfFile object, use FileWriter.writeToFile to write it. BTW, my email is address@hidden, jcaron is someone else Also, you should send these questions to address@hidden. thanks Julie Caron wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:49:14 -0600 From: Janet Scannell <address@hidden> To: <address@hidden> Subject: IOSP question John, I am writing an IOSP to read data from a text file. Then I want to write the data to a netcdf file. I was wondering if you have any examples of writing the data to a netcdf file. The IOSP is correctly reading the data, but I can't figure out how to use the IOSP to write the data to a netcdf file. Thanks, Janet