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20031203: error in create netcdf file
- Subject: 20031203: error in create netcdf file
- Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 15:07:28 -0700
> To: address@hidden
> From: Boyin Huang <address@hidden>
> Subject: error in create netcdf file
> Organization: The Center for Research on the Changing Earth System (CRCES)
> Keywords: 200312022045.hB2Kj1p2018589 netCDF Fortran
The above message contained the following:
> I am trying to creat a nedcdf file using fortran code
> (aatached).
> Everything looks fine, but I found that the data are
> wrong for the last several time intervals.
> I assigned the data to 1., but I found there are many
> "-" at the end of file when I used ncdump command.
> When using a fortran code to read this netcdf file or
> using other software, the unwanted data of 9.969e36
> were found, which is not a missing (1.e20) value
> either.
9.9692099683868690e+36f is the fill-value (attribute "_FillValue") for
netCDF variables of type NC_FLOAT. Values that you do not explicity set
will have this value.
> The netcdf was installed in
> Linux indus.crces.org 2.4.18-26.8.0 #1 Mon Feb 24
> 10:21:42 EST 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> The compile commands are
> f77 -c -I/indus_01/byh/netcdf/netcdf-3.5.0/include
> SSTidl_nc.F
> f77 -o a.out SSTidl_nc.o
> -L/indus_01/byh/netcdf/netcdf-3.5.0/lib -lnetcdf
What is the size of the resulting netCDF file? If it is 5000 bytes or
less, then would you please send me an ncdump(1) of the file. If it is
larger than that, then please modify your program so that the resulting
netCDF file still has the problem and then send me an ncdump(1) of the
resulting netCDF file
> Wish to get your suggestions
> Many thanks.
> =====
> Boyin Huang
> The Center for Research on the Changing Earth System (CRCES)
> 10211 Wincopin Circle, Suite 240
> Columbia, Maryland 21044
> Tel. 410-992-5300/819 (O), 410-737-4557(H)
> Fax. 410-992-5944, Email. address@hidden
> http://byh.crces.org
Steve Emmerson