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Re: Thredds uses

John Caron wrote:

Yuan Ho wrote:

Tennessee James Leeuwenburg wrote:

Hi Tennessee:

The Agg server can aggregate local netcdf files or remote DODS datasets. So if you have a netcdf files served through a dods server, the AS can aggregate them. Using local netcdf files are preferable when possible because its a lot faster

Not what I meant - I have remote netCDF files served by a CGI script which is not a DODS server, which handles queries embedded in the URLs. It may be easier if you consider that they are simply available as files via HTTP from a remote directory.

I think the answer is no, John may correct me if I am wrong. AGG server can only aggregate remote nc file through DODS server. Maybe in the near future AGG server can include HTTP server.

actually, it can handle netcdf over HTTP. from AS POV, thats the same as a local netcdf file, although performance is different.
If so then Tennessee probably want to try it without the CGI script 
which may add the confuse to the AGG server.