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Re: More on netCDF232


> I appreciate your offer to make version 3.3.1.zip available.  How do I
> get it?

I've made it available as


we also have a newer test version that's available as


> My interest in version 2.3.2 has to do with its inclusion in source form in
> the AIA/ASMS Kit for Mass Spectrometry.   This is now being spun-off to ASTM.
> As a member of the ASTM committee, I'm reviewing the ASTM Standards which
> describe it..  

I'm interested in keeping up with this, if only to be able to answer
questions from people who ask me about where they can get the AIA or
ANDI software, which I suppose will now have a name involving ASTM or
ASMS.  If anyone puts together a web site about this, I'd be interested
in the URL.

> (ASMS = American Society for Mass Spectrometry, AIA = Analytical Instrument
> Association)
> David Stranz has written a special MS-API layer on top of netCDF for the ASMS.
> It has over a hundred data items, each with its own name and a corresponding
> variable name.  Both are compiled into the MS-API.  This is an advantage (??)
> over the netCDF API  which is independent of the data names!!  
> In case you are wondering if I have given up on JCAMP-DX, nothing could be
> further than the truth.   This particular exercise is part of my learning
> curve.  Right now, I am working on a variation of JCAMP-DX  which accepts
> numerical data arrays in the native binary of the system which generated it.
> The ASCII description of the data, includes the location and size of essential
> data arrays  This description can be appended to the native binary file which
> is generated by an instrument.  In cases which I have tested, such files can
> be read by the native software as well as by appropriate JCAMP-DX software.
> The hope is to ease the transition to a standard native form and eliminate the
> need fpr a separate transfer form.   This is still under development.

Thanks for the updated information, and good luck on your development.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu