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Re: Fwd: Basic NetCDF questions...

> From: <address@hidden>
> Date: June 30, 2005 10:24:53 AM MDT
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Basic NetCDF questions...

Hi Nate,

>   We have some very trivial observed met data that we need to export
> to NetCDF format. Currently the data is in a relational database and
> I need to get this mapped to a NetCDF schema. I have some questions
> about NetCDF and the best way to lay out the schemas for them. Your
> group was suggested as a starting point, any ideas who to talk to
> for some pointers?

Yes, you might first want to read the short document "Writing NetCDF
Files: Best Practices" at


for an overview of some recommendations for creating netCDF data.

Then we have a new document, "Using Records in NetCDF-3 files", that
gives more specific recommendations about how to structure collections
of observational data:


Finally, there is a draft of additional conventions we will be
advocating for this kind of data:


If you still have questions about how to structure your data after
reading these, feel free to send them to address@hidden.
