To: address@hidden
From: Joe Van Andel <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 20000424: netCDF DTD
Organization: NCAR/ATD
Keywords: XML, DTD
Hi Joe,
I've exchanged email with Robert E. McGrath <address@hidden>
regarding XML and netCDF.
He's done an experiment translating netCDF to HDF5, described here:
He tells me that he was using an unofficial DTD for netCDF, but that
Unidata may be working on an "official" DTD for netCDF. Is anyone
working on this?
John Caron has developed the appended DTD for netCDF. He also wrote
"Comparison of 3 NetCDF DTDs" which refers to the McGrath paper and
describes the differences among the existing DTDs. I can't find a
reference to an online version of his comparison, so I'll CC: him on
this reply, hoping he can provide it.