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Re: 970806: netCDF compilation problem

>From: "John R. Daugherty" <address@hidden>
>Subject: netcdf compilation problem
>Organization: NOAA/NSSL/Mesoscale Research & Applications Division
>Keywords: 199708061506.JAA07566 netCDF 3.3.1

Hi John,

> Good Morning,  Bob Hueftle and I are trying to "make" version 3.3.1 of netCDF
> on an HP 827 and have encountered a variable "EEXIST" which is not defined.
> We can find only one reference to it in nc.c which is an if, but at no point
> does it seem to be defined.  Any help on this?? John D.

Yes, we just got access to an HPUX-10 platform and have discovered that
the -D_HPUX_SOURCE compiler flag is needed to get netCDF to build on
this platform.  This will be made clear in the INSTALL file in the next
release, but for now, try the following:

    1.  Go to the top-level netcdf-3 source directory.

    2.  Execute the command "make clean".

    3.  Remove the file "config.cache" if it exists.

    4.  Set the following environment variables to the indicated values:

            FFLAGS='-O3 -w'

        The "_HPUX_SOURCE" should handle the "EEXIST" problem and the
        "-O3" should mollify the fort77(1) compiler.

    5.  Execute the configure script.

    6.  Execute the command "make".  If this works, try "make test".  If
        the tests succeed, "make install".



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu