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[netCDF #QBI-985003]: LFS in netcdf for windows

Hello Feng,

Those libraries, besides being quite old, were contributed to us by a third 
party.  I'm afraid I can't tell you anything about whether or not they work 
with Compaq Visual Fortran, or which versions of MSVC they might be compatible 

Your best bet may be to work with the current version of the netcdf-fortran 
library.  It uses the CMake build system; while we haven't tested under Windows 
yet, this may be your best bet to build a netcdf-fortran library for use with 
Visual Studio.  Note that you'll need to first install the netcdf-c libraries, 
upon which netcdf-fortran depends. More information on that may be found here:


I hope this helps,


> Hi Netcdf supporters,
> I now need to use the Large File Support within netcdf for the Compaq Visual 
> Fortran under the 32 BIT system of Windows XP.
> I have download the dll files from your website 
> (ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/contrib/win32/win32_vs_f2c_dll_4.0.1.zip).
> The files are copied into the bin/lib/include of the C:\Program 
> Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\DF98, which is included in my project.
> And I have successfully compiled the source code but failed in linking the 
> dll file.
> I don't know where the problem is. It is very appreciate if you can help.
> Thanks.
> Feng

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: QBI-985003
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed