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patches to netcdf-2_4_3/cxx to build with netcdf-3

Index: ncvalues.hh
RCS file: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf/cxx/ncvalues.hh,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -c -r1.23 ncvalues.hh
*** ncvalues.hh 1996/02/27 21:53:39     1.23
--- ncvalues.hh 1997/04/08 23:18:49
*** 23,28 ****
--- 23,30 ----
  typedef unsigned char ncbyte;
+ #define NC_UNSPECIFIED ((nc_type)0)
  enum NcType 
    ncNoType = NC_UNSPECIFIED, 
*** 166,171 ****
--- 168,175 ----
      return (short) the_values[n];                                           \
  #define as_nclong_implement(TYPE)                                           \
  nclong NcVal(TYPE)::as_nclong( long n ) const                               \
  {                                                                           \
Index: netcdf.cc
RCS file: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf/cxx/netcdf.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.70
diff -c -r1.70 netcdf.cc
*** netcdf.cc   1996/07/02 16:03:15     1.70
--- netcdf.cc   1997/04/08 23:14:49
*** 294,310 ****
      return the_id;
! NcFile::NcFile( const char * path, FileMode mode )
      NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); // constructor must not fail
!     switch (mode) {
!     case ReadOnly:
      case Write:
        the_id = ncopen(path, mode);
        in_define_mode = 0;
      case New:
      case Replace:
        the_id = nccreate(path, mode);
        in_define_mode = 1;
--- 294,316 ----
      return the_id;
! NcFile::NcFile( const char * path, FileMode fmode )
      NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); // constructor must not fail
!     int mode = NC_NOWRITE;
!     switch (fmode) {
      case Write:
+       mode = NC_WRITE;
+       /*FALLTHRU*/
+     case ReadOnly:
        the_id = ncopen(path, mode);
        in_define_mode = 0;
      case New:
+       mode = NC_NOCLOBBER;
+       /*FALLTHRU*/
      case Replace:
        the_id = nccreate(path, mode);
        in_define_mode = 1;
Index: netcdf.hh
RCS file: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf/cxx/netcdf.hh,v
retrieving revision 1.56
diff -c -r1.56 netcdf.hh
*** netcdf.hh   1996/02/21 16:26:57     1.56
--- netcdf.hh   1997/04/08 23:10:50
*** 35,44 ****
      virtual ~NcFile( void );
      enum FileMode {
!       ReadOnly = NC_NOWRITE,  // file exists, open read-only
!       Write = NC_WRITE,       // file exists, open for writing
!         Replace = NC_CLOBBER, // create new file, even if already exists
!       New = NC_NOCLOBBER      // create new file, fail if already exists
      NcFile( const char * path, FileMode = ReadOnly );
--- 35,44 ----
      virtual ~NcFile( void );
      enum FileMode {
!       ReadOnly,       // file exists, open read-only
!       Write,          // file exists, open for writing
!         Replace,      // create new file, even if already exists
!       New             // create new file, fail if already exists
      NcFile( const char * path, FileMode = ReadOnly );