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[netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ??

"Russ Rew" <address@hidden> writes:

> Yes, thanks for doing this unsavory thing!
> But I have a question.  If someone uses this and has some netCDF f90
> code, can they build the f90 library as a separate library that calls
> the combined C/f77 library, and link their application to the two
> resulting libraries?  I understand that this would be stupid, they
> should just build/install the C library first and then the separate
> Fortran library and link to those two resulting libraries, I'm just
> curious if it would work, for people who have their own netCDF f90
> applications to run on a platform where the kluge C/f77 library has been
> installed.

That would work if we made it work that way. But it would require a new
build option for the fortran libraries...


Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KGN-827851
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Open