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Re: Proposal for Piped NetCDF

Russ Rew <address@hidden> writes:

>>To: address@hidden
>>From: Frank Toussaint <address@hidden>
>>Subject: Re: 20050614: Proposal for Piped NetCDF
>>Organization: World Data Center for Climate, Max-Planck-Institute for 
>>Keywords: streaming data, concatenation, pipes
> Hi Frank,
>> So for any n GRIB files  gf1.grb,.. gfn.grb  the concatenation by
>> the unix cat command results in a valid GRIB file:
>>   cat gf?.grb  > newGribFile.grb
>> This allows for piping and piecewise consumption of files of 
>> virtually any size.
>> However, the full amount of flexibility is not neccessarily needed 
>> for a pipable NetCDF. Concatenation can be done by more specific 
>> routines as well.

Howdy Frank,

Have you looked at NCO? It's a package of netCDF utilities developed
independently of netCDF, but it seems to have a concatenation tool
which may meet your requirements, though it is not exactly what you


Good luck!

Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden