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[netCDF #DUI-354149]: Work with NetCDF (FORTRAN)
- Subject: [netCDF #DUI-354149]: Work with NetCDF (FORTRAN)
- Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 07:28:06 -0600
> Hello!
> I am Sergey Vasilyev, aspirant from Moscow State University.
> Now I'm working with surface pressure so I have to use the NCEP/NCAR
> Reanalysis data, for example this file:
> ftp://ftp.cdc.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis/spectral/pres.nlog.sfc.spec.2011.nc
> This is a NetCDF-file. I have tried many times to begin to work with
> this type of files, i have read all the guides on your website, but I
> can't build my project because linker didn't "see" your dll.
> I work on Windows Seven Home Premium, with Micrisoft Visual Studio 2010
> and integrated PGI Visual Fortran Compiler (2010). With Processor Intel
> i5.
> Could you help me with building my project, plesae? If it's possible,
> with step-by-step description of required actions. I have really no idea
> how to work with this format
> Than you!
> Kinf regards,
> Sergey Vasilyev.
Howdy Sergev!
One problem is your choice of platforms. ;-) Windows is not as well supported
as other platforms. For example, there is currently no fortran DLL available
for windows. For fortran programming you might consider installing Cygwin on
your computer and working under its Linux-like environment.
C DLLs are now available. Try these:
You must have the HDF5 DLLs installed for these to work.
For more about netCDF, see the netCDF tutorial:
There are also many tools that work with netCDF files, which don't require any
programming. Try the NCO tools, for example.
Good luck!
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DUI-354149
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Critical
Status: Closed