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Re: Information on NetCDF library

Hi John,

now it's clear, thank you!


On 11/10/2012 12:51 AM, John Caron wrote:
Hi Enrico:

The problem is that the hdf4 file has groups, and FileWriter.writeToFile() writes netcdf3 files, which does not.

4.3.14 will have the ability to write to netcdf4 files.


On 11/5/2012 10:03 AM, Enrico Boldrini wrote:
Dear John,

I'm a colleague of Stefano Nativi (CNR, Italy). I'm using your very
helpful Java library for NetCDF; I've found a potential problem trying
to convert a hdf file to a NetCDF file, with the following code:

     NetcdfFile ncFile =
     File outFile = File.createTempFile("HDF", ".nc");
     ucar.nc2.FileWriter.writeToFile(ncFile, outFile.getAbsolutePath());

(The input file can be downloaded at:

The stack trace I get is the following:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal
netCDF-3 object name
     at ucar.nc2.FileWriter.writeToFile(FileWriter.java:135)
     at ucar.nc2.FileWriter.writeToFile(FileWriter.java:82)
at eu.floraresearch.sdi.gt_coverage.gt.HDFTest.main(HDFTest.java:11)

(it seems related to escaped names.. just guessing)

Am I missing/misusing something? Any feedback is appreciated, thank you!

Enrico Boldrini