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20010607: question about obtaining netCDF library

>From: Sarah Bortz <address@hidden>
>Organization: Argonne National Labs
>Keywords: 200106071533.f57FXwp09258 netCDF FTP


>       My name is Sarah Bortz and I am working as a undergraduate summer
>research intern in climate modeling at Argonne National Labs.  I have
>obtained all of the GEM/IMPACT files, but have been unable to install the
>netCDF library on my target machine. While I can connect to
>ftp.unidata.ucar.edu, I apparently lack a necessary username and
>password to access ftp files.

The netCDF package is accessible by anonymous FTP from our FTP server,
ftp.unidata.ucar.edu.  The user name for anonmyous FTP is 'anonymous';
the password is your full email address.

If you are unable to use anonymous FTP it most likely means that the machine
you are running FTP from does not have forward and reverse name lookup
setup for it.  By this I mean that the results of:

nslookup machine_name

does not match

nslookup machine_ip_address

(Fill in machine_name with your machine's full name and machine_ip_address
with your machine's IP address)

>I also tried the suggested website
>(www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf), but was denied permission to
>obtain both the compressed tar file and the zip files of the source

This may mean that your machine does not have forward and reverse name
lookup.  The other possibility is that the directory you are trying to
FTP to (the directory on your machine) does not have write permission by
you.  We see this a lot when a user is trying to FTP packages to a
directory that s/he does not own.

>Do I need to obtain a username and password from someone to get the
>netCDF library, or do you have any other suggestions? Thank you for your
>time :).

The netCDF is freely available; you do not need a user name and password
for anonymous FTP as I indicated above.  Please give the FTP routine
another try after verifying that you have write permission in the
directory you want to FTP the package to.

>Sarah E. Bortz
>MCS 203, rm C229
>Argonne National Labs
>9700 South Cass Avenue
>Argonne, IL 60439

Tom Yoksas