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[netCDF #OYO-361040]: netCDF has no grid
- Subject: [netCDF #OYO-361040]: netCDF has no grid
- Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:09:57 -0700
Helo Marietta,
Can you send me the file in question? I will take a look at it. If it is a
large file, please use this dropbox:
Note that you will not be able to see your file listed after you upload it, but
you should get a message confirming the successful upload.
Lansing Madry
Boulder, Colorado
> Dear sir or madam,
> I'm Marietta Bloch, a student from Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of
> Applied Sciences, Germany. At the moment I am struggling with netCDF. In
> this specific GIS-project I have to display REMO climate data
> (RE_UBA_A1B_D3_MM_WIND_SPEED_1-1200.nc) with an WMS. I decided to use
> ncWMS. My problem is, that ncWMS can't load the data telling me that grid
> can't be null. So my question is how can I give my netCDF file a grid?
> I also tried using GDAL (gdal_translate) to convert the dataset. What I
> noticed:
> gdalinfo tells me my file has two subsets: time_bnds and wind_speed.
> When I do "gdal_translate -of netCDF -sds inputfile.nc outputfile.nc" I get
> two files: one contains the time_bnds (output1.nc) and one contains the
> wind_speed (output2.nc). But every variable which was wind_speed is now
> wind_speed1, wind_speed2...... wind_speed1200. netCDF 4.2 UI tells me it
> has a grid now (wherever it came from). I can load output2.nc into ncWMS.
> and the images on the map are shown correctly, but now the time attribute
> is lost and I have a list containing all the 1200 bands as single layers
> (left side in godiva2).
> Can you help me solving my problem?
> Do you think the REMO dataset is incorrect?
> How can it be, that it gets a grid through gdal_translate?
> How do I give my netCDF file a grid without splitting it or changing
> anything else?
> I am looking forward to your answer!
> Kind regards
> Marietta Bloch
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OYO-361040
Department: Support netCDF Java
Priority: Normal
Status: Open