john caron wrote:
Tom Rink wrote:is the file name derivable from the original name? where does that file come from?All, john caron wrote:Do you mean the geolocation coordinates? If so, I think we can count on themDave Santek wrote:John,Any update to the 4 issues you list below? Tommy is beginning to look at the NPP VIIRS data files. My first goal is to be able to deal with the union aggregation of these files so we can associate the data with the geolocation [since they are in separate files]....issue #2 below. Even being able to use NcML would be a great start!Do you have any thoughts on how we can get from Point A to Point B? We have time & people to throw at this problem.Thanks, dave John Caron wrote:Hi Dave:My apologies for losing your email down the cracks. 4.1 is really now the recommended version, we just havent had a chance to stabilize the code, but all the changes are in the point data stuff.Im reviewing our emails to make sure i understand what you need, which i think is access to NPOESS/NPP swath data through the CDM, to be visualized by McIDAS-V. I assume McIDAS-V == IDV for these purposes?The issues that I know about:1. The NPP files ive seen use HDF5 "region references". Currently our HDF5 IOSP doesnt handle these (one of the few things we dont yet handle in HDF5 format). Region references appear to be a way to specify logical subsets of other data arrays which are in the file. Those "regular" data arrays are accessible through the CDM, so im unclear if we are missing any functionality by not having the region references working. So one task is to understand what the point of the NPOES region references is, and if we really need them. .this one is in your court.sounds like the coordinates are in a seperate file. can you count on that? do you know the name?2. The CDM needs geolocation. Another task is to charactorize which NPOESS/NPP files have this in the data files, and which have them seperate, and so need a union aggregation.being located in a different file.
It's my understanding, at this time, that there's a strict file naming convention, which
we could consider taking advantage of.
this would be swath feature type within the CDM, analogous to GridDatatype. Perhaps you should extract your public API as a starting point?3. The swath data type is different from grid, particularly in how time dimesnion works. Sometimes the current geogrid implementation works and sometimes not. A task is to upgrade CDM to handle swaths correctly and generally.This seems a question of whether an Eulerian or Lagrangian view of measurementis more appropriate, with regard the time currrently at NCDC where theyve just agreed to have someone here work on a swath feature type. also they will propose a CF convention. im not sure how fast those will happen. do you want to be involved?4. Aggregation of granules. Current aggregation techniques probably wont work. Solutions depends on the context: a few files or large collections? There may have to be some external indexing for fast searching. First task is to characterize the collections, and the use cases. toWe certainly should be involved in that, and should have some input. In fact, we already have an effective swath feature type in McIDAS-V which handles multi and hyper-spectral data like AIRS, MODIS, AVHRR, IASI wherein instrument-specific peculiarities andrequirements are handled.
Sure, let's talk about how to do this. I'd like to be able to take advantage of the mark-up features, with the swath feature functionality that I've already
aggregation may be a more difficult matter if you are trying to answer queries like "give me all data in lat/lon and time bounding box", but simpler if you just want to allow index space subsetting. what do you need?A big step forward would be able to union files together so we can treat them as one, for example, of the same time range. We should be able to handle the relationship between lon/lat/time and index space.that should already work. have you tried it?
Yes, I created a union via ncml of two of these files. When I open the ncml in toolsUI, it gives an error. We can provide the files if necessary. Tom