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[netCDF #EWV-925922]: Is There Any Summer Internship Opportunity in the NetCDF Development/Research Group?
- Subject: [netCDF #EWV-925922]: Is There Any Summer Internship Opportunity in the NetCDF Development/Research Group?
- Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 08:21:45 -0700
> This is a 3rd-year Ph.D. student from the Computer Science & Engineering
> Department of the Ohio State University. I have been working on some
> high-performance computing topics related to scientific datasets for
> more than 2 years. I am wondering if there is any summer internship
> opportunity in the NetCDF development/research group?
Yes! Our group is small (less than 3 developers), but we have several
netCDF-related projects that are opportunities for a summer intern. Here
is a list of candidate projects, several of which are in areas related to
netCDF and scientific datasets:
> So far, my related publications include two HPC conference papers,
> which are listed on my webpage
> https://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~wayi/
> The first paper discusses a MapReduce-like system over heterogeneous
> scientific data sets. The other one is an accepted paper that will appear
> this May. It discusses supporting SQL to query HDF5 data sets in parallel
> without loading data into database.
> Currently, I am working on supporting more advanced aggregation queries /
> OLAP jobs over scientific datasets, including grid aggregation, window
> aggregation and statistical aggregation which can also be supported by
> SciDB/Rasdaman, as well as other aggregations proposed by myself. I
> think it will be also beneficial if the similar functionality can be
> integrated into a high-level NetCDF API.
> It will be highly appreciated if any summer internship opportunity can
> be provided. Please let me know if you need any more information.
Thanks, we look forward to considering your application.
--Russ Rew
Russ Rew UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EWV-925922
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed