I've been reading the documentation on netCDF-Java and came across your
discussion of grib tables. I am using IDV and Panoply--both of which the
netCDF_java library, I think--to visualize some AFWA produced grib1 files
(Center 57, subcenter 2). Now I've conquered the usage of local tables for
parameter names (WMO table 2, octet 9). But AFWA also uses a modified version
of WMO table 5 (octet 21), adding some time ranges above the defined in the
defaults 1-124. Do you have any suggestions on how to feed that data to
netCDF-Java. Or at least to get netCDF-Java to ignore time range definitions
outside the WMO (or NCEP) defaults? Right now the applications just refuse to
load the grib files.
To get around this, I ncl_convert2nc and both Panoply and IDV handle the .nc files OK.
From what I can tell, ncl_convert2nc just munges the parameter name with some information
it gleans from octet 21. Example: APCP_GDS0_SFC_S133. This is accumulated precipitation
for -24 hours to the analysis time according to the AFWA grib documentation and it is
defined by value 133 in their Table 5. This is the only occurrence of "133"
I can find in an ncl_filedump or ncdump of the grib/nc files.
I realize you may not be the person to ask this question of, but maybe you know
who is the right person.
Kevin Havener, DAFC, 14WS/WXED
Comm 828-271-4323; DSN 673-9044
NIPRNet address@hidden
SIPRNet address@hidden