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[netCDF #TDC-517908]: Loading netcdf into Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Hello Philip,

NetCDF is a data model, a file format, and a software library used by other 
software to generate netCDF data files.  NetCDF comes with a command line 
utility, 'ncdump', which can be used to inspect netCDF data in plain text, but 
it does not provide any data visualization.  For data visualization, you might 
have better luck trying some of the third party software shown here:

* http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/software.html

I'll be happy to help you get things compiled; can you provide the 'config.log' 
generated when you run configure?  I would also need some more information 
regarding what happens when you get stuck, e.g. at which step, and what 
messages are you seeing?

I believe Ubuntu also has a pre-compiled netCDF library available via the 
'apt-get' package manager, if that makes things any easier for you.

Thanks, I hope this helps, have a great day!


> Dear netcdf support,
> I am a novice user of Ubuntu and want to use the meterological data in
> a .nc file.  I have downloaded The Latest Stable netCDF-C Release,
> tar.gz form and I cannot get netcdf to work.
> I have managed to configure: netCDF 4.4.0 and then I get stuck.
> My biggest problem is that I cannot find out what netcdf actually is.
> Is it a program that I can use to draw graphs of the data in the binary
> .nc file?
> Kind regards
> Philip Mulholland

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TDC-517908
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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