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Re: bufr reading

address@hidden wrote:
Hi John,

I was pulled away from BUFR to do other things and I'm just starting to
look at it again. I need to apply the time increments to the water
column heights in the DART messages. For example (the BufrDataDump is
7/12/2009 18:15:00   4919.7451171875
7/12/2009 18:30:00   4919.68310546875
7/12/2009 18:45:00   4919.6240234375
7/12/2009 19:00:00   4919.5703125

I would like to do this for all BUFR messages where increments are used.
Is there a way to easily do this using the BUFR libraries? If not (just
out of curiosity), have other users inquired about this capability?


Message 0 header=964IOZK01 AMMC 130013
  Sequence obs count=0
    var='time' units='secs since 2009-07-12T00:13:13Z' : 0.0
    var='Buoy/platform identifier' units='null' : 55013.0
    var='Platform transmitter ID' units='CodeTable 0-1-52' : 1.0
    var='Deep-ocean tsunameter type' units='CodeTable 0-2-47' : 1.0
    var='Year' units='Year' : 2009.0
    var='Month' units='Month' : 7.0
    var='Day' units='Day' : 12.0
    var='Hour' units='Hour' : 0.0
    var='Minute' units='Minute' : 13.0
    var='Second' units='Second' : 13.0
    var='sampling interval (time)' units='Second' : 900.0
    var='sample averaging period' units='Second' : 15.0
    var='Number of samples' units='null' : 1.0
      Sequence seq1 count=0
        var='Quality information' units='CodeTable 0-33-2' : Data not
        var='Year' units='Year' : 2009.0
        var='Month' units='Month' : 7.0
        var='Day' units='Day' : 12.0
        var='Hour' units='Hour' : 18.0
        var='Minute' units='Minute' : 15.0
        var='Second' units='Second' : 0.0
        var='Battery voltage' units='V' : 14.699999809265137
        var='Battery voltage-1' units='V' : 4.099999904632568
        var='Battery voltage (large range)' units='V' : 26.0
        var='BPR transmission count' units='null' : 1.0
        var='Time increment' units='Minute' : -15.0
        var='Short time increment' units='Minute' : 15.0
        var='Water column height' units='m' :
Yes, I havent yet started to process these "coordinate increments", partly because they are confusing. Above we have a "Time increment' of -15.0 and a "Short time increment' of 15.0. What do you think that's all about? why dont they just record the correct time?