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[netCDF #OAL-569939]: link issue
- Subject: [netCDF #OAL-569939]: link issue
- Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 16:35:55 -0600
I believe you need to change the link command so that it is linking libnetcdf
and then libnetcdff. You might also try updating to the most recent versions
of netCDF-C (4.6.3 at this moment, 4.7.0 later today) and netCDF-Fortran
I hope this helps,
> Hi,
> I tried using linuxbrew on a linux server to build netcdf fortran and c
> libraries.
> netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2
> ./nc-config --all
> This netCDF 4.6.2-rc2 has been built with the following features:
> --cc -> gcc
> --cflags ->
> -I/proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/include
> --libs ->
> -L/proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/lib
> -lnetcdf
> --has-c++ -> no
> --cxx ->
> --has-c++4 -> no
> --cxx4 ->
> --has-fortran -> yes
> --fc -> nf-config not yet implemented for cmake builds
> --fflags -> nf-config not yet implemented for cmake builds
> --flibs -> nf-config not yet implemented for cmake builds
> --has-f90 -> nf-config not yet implemented for cmake builds
> --has-f03 -> nf-config not yet implemented for cmake builds
> --has-dap -> no
> --has-dap2 -> no
> --has-dap4 -> no
> --has-nc2 -> yes
> --has-nc4 -> no
> --has-hdf5 -> no
> --has-hdf4 -> no
> --has-logging -> no
> --has-pnetcdf -> no
> --has-szlib ->
> --has-cdf5 -> yes
> --has-parallel4 -> no
> --has-parallel -> no
> --prefix ->
> /proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0
> --includedir ->
> /proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/include
> --libdir ->
> /proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/lib
> --version -> netCDF 4.6.2-rc2
> ./nf-config --all
> This netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4 has been built with the following features:
> --cc -> gcc
> --cflags ->
> -I/proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/include
> --fc -> gfortran
> --fflags ->
> -I/proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/include
> --flibs ->
> -L/proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/lib
> -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lnetcdf
> --has-f90 -> no
> --has-f03 -> yes
> --has-nc2 -> yes
> --has-nc4 -> yes
> --prefix ->
> /proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0
> --includedir->
> /proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/include
> --version -> netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4
> I am getting the following undefined references at link time for a program
> called mcip, and can't figure out why.
> gfortran -o mcip.exe
> -I/proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/include
> -I/proj/ie/proj/CMAS/CMAQ/CMAQv5.3_branch_UNC3/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/modules
> mcip.o alloc_ctm.o alloc_met.o alloc_x.o bcldprc_ak.o blddesc.o chkwpshdr.o
> chkwrfhdr.o close_files.o collapx.o comheader.o comheader_lufrac.o
> comheader_mos.o comheader_soi.o cori.o dealloc_ctm.o dealloc_met.o
> dealloc_x.o detangle_soil_px.o e_aerk.o dynflds.o getgist.o getluse.o
> getmet.o getpblht.o getpsih.o getsdt.o getversion.o graceful_stop.o gridout.o
> init_io.o init_met.o init_x.o julian.o layht.o ll2xy_lam.o ll2xy_lam_sec.o
> ll2xy_lam_tan.o ll2xy_merc.o ll2xy_ps.o locate.o lucro.o mapfac_lam.o
> mapfac_merc.o mapfac_ps.o metcro.o metdot.o metgrid2ctm.o metvars2ctm.o
> mm5v3opts.o moscro.o pblsup.o ptemp.o pvs.o qsat.o rdmm5v3.o rdwrfem.o
> readnml.o readter.o refstate.o resistcalc.o setgriddefs.o setup.o
> setup_mm5v3.o setup_wrfem.o sfclayer.o soilcro.o statflds.o vertarys.o ve
rtnhy.o vertnhy_wrf.o vstamp.o vtemp.o wind.o wrfemopts.o wrgdesc.o
xy2ll_lam.o xy2ll_merc.o const_mod.o const_pbl_mod.o coord_mod.o
date_time_mod.o date_pack_mod.o files_mod.o groutcom_mod.o luoutcom_mod.o
luvars_mod.o mcipparm_mod.o mcoutcom_mod.o mdoutcom_mod.o metinfo_mod.o
metvars_mod.o mosoutcom_mod.o soioutcom_mod.o vgrd_mod.o wrf_netcdf_mod.o
xvars_mod.o sat2mcip_mod.o
-lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz
> /nas/longleaf/home/lizadams/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/bin/ld:
> /proj/ie/proj/CMAS/CMAQ/CMAQv5.3_branch_UNC3/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/lib/libnetcdff.a(nf_nc4.o):
> in function `nf_inq_ncid_':
> /proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/netcdf-fortran/fortran/nf_nc4.f90:150:
> undefined reference to `nc_inq_ncid'
> /nas/longleaf/home/lizadams/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/bin/ld:
> /proj/ie/proj/CMAS/CMAQ/CMAQv5.3_branch_UNC3/openmpi_3.0.0_gcc_6.3.0/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/lib/libnetcdff.a(nf_nc4.o):
> in function `nf_inq_grps_':
> /proj/ie/proj/staff/lizadams/netcdf-c-4.6.2-rc2/netcdf-fortran/fortran/nf_nc4.f90:195:
> undefined reference to `nc_inq_grps'
> Thank you for any assistance.
> Liz
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OAL-569939
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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