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Re: the new guy (Getting started with ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile)

On Feb 27,  8:25pm, David Olivares wrote:
> Subject: the new guy
> import ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile;
> import java.io.IOException;
> class mytest {
> public static void main(String argv[]){
> String fname;
> try {
>       fname = new String("sgpmfrsrC1.a1.970913.000000.cdf");
>       NetcdfFile myfile = new NetcdfFile(fname, true);
> }
>   catch (IOException ee) {
>               System.out.println(ee);
>                       }
> }
> }
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!
> with something so simple like this I am getting errors
> but then when I run it
> i get:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ucar/netcdf/NetcdfFile
>         at mytest.main(mytest.java:12)
> and I have the class NetcdfFile.
> please get back to me
> David
>-- End of excerpt from David Olivares

This error means that the class loader couldn't find Class

Reset your CLASSPATH to include the root of the netcdf classes.
For example, if the directory 'ucar' is in /home/olivares/java/classes,
%setenv CLASSPATH /home/olivares/java/classes:${CLASSPATH}

BTW, you don't need to construct the String being assigned to fname,
it exists already. You can simply say
        fname ="sgpmfrsrC1.a1.970913.000000.cdf";
