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[IDV #JOH-888693]: Disabling Adaptive Resolution

Hi Mason,

Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, it is always helpful to submit issues as separate
tickets. But the problem we are facing currently is the developer who is in
charge of adaptive resolution has had a family emergency, and I am not sure when
we are expecting his return to the office. From what you describe, we have a
bug. If you turn off adaptive resolution via edit preferences, and you are still
seeing data sampling then that's a bug.

At any rate, we still may be able to make some progress, but I need a data
sample.  Can you either point me to the data or upload your data file here?


Let us know when it is uploaded.


Unidata IDV Support

> All,
> I let a different issue I had open with support drift toward a discussion
> of this new issue I have now so I get the feeling that's why I have had no
> response in that thread. I'm trying to get the best possible resolution in
> my image, so I don't want the sampling from Adaptive Resolution  (AR) (does
> the sampling option in Preferences, Formats & Data control how that is
> done? Just curious as I'm not sure how the weighted average works with
> every 8 of 9 points as the legend window says when AR is enabled). Anyways,
> I've played around with the contour range, visible range, using fast
> rendering and not, system specifications under Preferences (probably many
> other combinations of things) just trying to get a color shaded plan view,
> and I always get a grey box... contour only seems to work, but not color
> shading.
> --
> Mason D. Rowell, Hydrometeorologist
> 10159 E. 11th St., Suite 300
> Tulsa, OK 74128
> Work: (918) 832 4109 EXT: 354
> address@hidden

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JOH-888693
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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