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[GEMPAK #IGK-881341]: HHZ - 982841 Can't Install Required GEMPAK Libraries
- Subject: [GEMPAK #IGK-881341]: HHZ - 982841 Can't Install Required GEMPAK Libraries
- Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2013 10:25:44 -0700
the command "locate gfortran" is not returning a matching binary executable, so
it seems your system does not have gfortran installed. if it were installed
but not being found in your environment $PATH then the locate command should
have found where it was hidden. alas, it's not there.
the command
yum provides \*gfortran\*
run as root will return the package which provides gfortran for your system.
for my 64bit fc12 system, for example, the above command shows the package
and on my system, I have both
So, you will need to use the "yum provides ..." command to find the gfortran
packages, or on a whim you can try "yum install gcc-gfortran" and see if yum
installed any package dependencies along with gfortran.
> Full Name: Jeff Szkodzinski
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: T-Kartor USA
> Package Version:
> Operating System:
> Hardware:
> Description of problem:
> Michael,
> Sorry to keep bombarding you with questions, but I'm having
> no luck. The "locate gfortran" command showed 3 directories;
> /home/gempak/GEMPAK6.8.0/config/Makeinc.linux_gfortran;
> /home/gempak/GEMPAK6.8.0/gempak/include/MCHPRM.Linux_gfortran &
> /usr/share/vim/vim73/compiler/gfortran.vim. I'm guessing the last
> directory is the actual compiler path I need, but I added all 3 to $PATH
> and exported the variable within .profile (after the line which sources
> the Gemenviron.profile). My Make.out file still shows the line "make[4]:
> gfortran: Command not found".
> As for the libraries issue, I ran the "yum list" on all the required
> packages individually, and it came back saying "No matching packages
> to list". So if I don't have any of these packages on my file system
> and yum always says "No package [packagename] available," how can I
> install the libraries I need? Do I have to first set-up a connection
> to the repository where these libraries reside before the yum command
> will work? I would also like to know how to manually download and install
> these packages from the net if the automatic way of doing things is not
> an option.
> I sent you an errfile which gives the output for openmotif when I run
> ./configure. I extracted openmotif in /usr/include.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> Hi Jeff,
> The first build error message in your make.out log is
> make[4]: gfortran: Command not found
> which means your environment can not find the gfortran executable. you will
> need to check "which gfortran" and "locate gfortran" and make sure that path
> is
> in your environment $PATH after Gemenviron has been sourced.
> The X11/Xlib.h file comes from the package libx11-dev which may be
> libx11-devel
> on some systems, CentOS/RHEL for example. you can check for matching packages
> with "yum list \*libx11\*" - it may be that the -devel package is available to
> you.
> Michael
> >
> > Michael,
> >
> > I got the environmental variables to source correctly after solving
> > a user account issue. I sent along my Make.out file, and it tells me
> > that certain header files are not installed (Intrinsic.h and Xlib.h).
> > I went online and manually downloaded and installed the libXt-devel
> > package since the yum command does not automatically download from the
> > repository. I moved the header files to /usr/include/X11 and changed
> > the associated directory (X11LIBDIR) in Makeinc.linux64_gfortran.
> > The compilation still doesn't finish to the end.
> >
> > Hope this information might shed some light on the problem.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jeff
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: IGK-881341
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Open