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[THREDDS #SVZ-567419]: GOES-18?
- Subject: [THREDDS #SVZ-567419]: GOES-18?
- Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2022 17:11:19 -0700
We absolutely plan on supporting data from GOES-18. As you may or may not be
aware, there were several "interleave" periods where GOES-18 imagery was being
used operationally. We supported the GOES-18 data then and our users did not
report any issues during those times.
When the powers that be flip the switch to put GOES-18 into operations the data
will start flowing into our systems automatically, to that extent everything
should just keep working. With major transitions like this, however, it's
always possible that a few wrinkles may need to get ironed out at the onset, so
we'll be watching closely to address anything that comes up. If you notice an
issue that persists, let us know and we will address it as soon as possible.
One thing I will add regarding our THREDDS servers is the current phrasing
there makes it clear GOES-17 is the current GOES-West satellite. Don't let
that confuse you, we'll update that catalog on the day of the transition.
> Hi,
> I wanted to see if you had plans to support the new GOES-18 satellite when it
> comes online on Jan. 4, 2023.
> Thank you,
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SVZ-567419
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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