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BOUNCE address@hidden: Non-member submission from [James Gallagher <address@hidden>]
- Subject: BOUNCE address@hidden: Non-member submission from [James Gallagher <address@hidden>]
- Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 17:01:29 -0600 (MDT)
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Cc: Rutledge Glenn <address@hidden>,
Tennessee Leeuwenburg <address@hidden>,
James Gallagher <address@hidden>,
Tech DODS <address@hidden>,
THREDDS THREDDS <address@hidden>
From: James Gallagher <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Paper on OpenDAP
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 17:01:10 -0600
To: Peter Cornillon <address@hidden>
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On Aug 12, 2005, at 8:19 AM, Peter Cornillon wrote:
> On Aug 12, 2005, at 8:18 AM, Glenn Rutledge wrote:
>> Hi Peter (Ethan?)
>> I have also just completed the review comments for an accepted AMS
>> BAMS paper on NOMADS- mostly on data availability and OPeNDAP enabled
>> client/servers-
> Great, would love to see a copy of it. Well, I guess that I will since
> I get BAMS.
>> it's also a requested companion paper to the new NCEP Regional
>> Reanalysis.
>> I included ODC but would like to include words on new directions as
>> per Tennessee......the TDS----is there anything I can use as a
>> citation or at least sentence or two?
> What's on the horizon in OPeNDAP land (JAMES, PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT
> IT, thanks):
> 1) DAP3 - a phased release that will take place over the next 4 months
> of an XML version of DAP2. Specifically, the dds and das will be
> encoded in XML. The release will include new servers that are backward
> compatible, i.e., they will negotiate with the client to see what
> version of the DAP, XML or old style, the client handles and then
> return the appropriate version.
> 2) Server4 - a new version of the servers. These will be based on
> servlets as opposed to cgi scripts. Important features in the new
> servers:
> a) More robust,
> b) Much faster to initiate, and
> c) More secure.
> They will also include THREDDS catalogs as part of the server. This
> will greatly facilitate, at a minimum, traversing the directory
> structure at a site, and, with a bit more work by the provider,
> finding data of interest within a site. GDS servers already make use
> of THREDDS catalogs so there will not be a great change for groups
> using these servers. We are working with COLA to make sure that our
> implementation of THREDDS catalogs in the new servers is compatible,
> to the extent possible, with the GDS catalogs.
This will also be the software to which we build a SOAP interface for
data access. We've prototyped this (years ago) and know there are some
issues, but nothing that cannot be handled reasonably easily.
> We anticipate a release of Server4 in early 2006
> 3) DAP4 - an enhanced version of the DAP with a few new data types and
> functions. The specs for this are still being written. We would like
> to release this next summer.
> Hope that this helps.
> Peter
>> Regards, Glenn
>> Peter Cornillon wrote:
>>> Hi Tennessee,
>>> I assume that James will chime in with some more info re plans in
>>> the future. What I often do when looking for data is to use google.
>>> For example, a Ferret user just asked the Ferret e-mail list where
>>> he might get T/P data. I googled: topex opendap coards. Ferret feels
>>> comfortable with COARDS so I figured that if I could find his data
>>> in COARDS for available via OPeNDAP he should suck the data directly
>>> into Ferret via OPeNDAP. I found the MERSEA site right off the bat.
>>> I've used the same trick to find SST data and wind data. The work
>>> that we are currently doing to incorporate THREDDS into OPeNDAP
>>> servers as well as to upgrade our servers so that they indicate
>>> their presence on the network is aimed at the same problem.
>>> Hopefully, one can use Google or another search engine to find
>>> OPeNDAP servers and then one can crawl these sites via the THREDDS
>>> catalog. We do have a project with the UCSB Alexandria Digital
>>> Library group to work on better data discovery and I believe that
>>> they are investigating a web crawler that will look for OPeNDAP
>>> server based on some of the ideas that I have brought forward re
>>> searches via Google. Hope that this helps.
>>> Peter
>>> p.s. If you are interested in papers that we have published re
>>> OPeNDAP, please let me know and I will point you at them.
>>> On Aug 11, 2005, at 8:34 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have written a draft paper on the work I have been doing at the
>>>> Australian Bureau of Meteorology which has been accepted into a
>>>> conference here in September. In light of some of the reviewer
>>>> comments, I would like to spend a little more time describing the
>>>> OpenDAP community, and going into more depth w.r.t. XML data
>>>> catalogs etc.
>>>> One thing I thought I might try would be to write a catalog crawler
>>>> to demonstrate how one can discover data sources using automated
>>>> tools to a greater extent that possible under ad-hoc data
>>>> publication.
>>>> I also thought I would get some feedback on what the community saw
>>>> as the most interesting aspects of thredds/opendap, and what new
>>>> directions are on the horizon (if I might be allowed to mix my
>>>> metaphors).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> -T
>>> --
>>> Peter Cornillon
>>> Graduate School of Oceanography - Telephone: (401) 874-6283
>>> University of Rhode Island -
>>> Fax: (401) 874-6728
>>> Narragansett, RI 02882 -
>>> E-mail: address@hidden
>> --
>> Glenn K. Rutledge
>> NOMADS Program Manager
>> NOAA Meteorologist / Physical Scientist
>> National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
>> National Climatic Data Center
>> 151 Patton Ave
>> Asheville, North Carolina 28801
>> (828) 271-4097
>> The contents of this message are mine personally and do not
>> necessarily reflect any position of the Government or the National
>> Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."
> --
> Peter Cornillon
> Graduate School of Oceanography - Telephone: (401) 874-6283
> University of Rhode Island - Fax:
> (401) 874-6728
> Narragansett, RI 02882 - E-mail:
> address@hidden
James Gallagher jgallagher at opendap.org
OPeNDAP, Inc 406.723.8663