Greetings. My question concerns resolution for the geospatial
coverage element for a dataset I am including in a thredds catalog.
Assuming non-global coverage I see how to assign resolution for the
northsouth and eastwest elements of coverage. But when I click on the
link for "complete metadata" for the dataset, the resolution is not
included. In contrast, the resolution for timeCoverage is listed
under "complete metadata". Can I be assured that the resolution for
geospatial Coverage is being read even though it is not being included
in the readout for "complete metadata" like the timeCoverage
resolution is? And as a followup question, in the Catalog Spec.
Version 1.0 it does not include a provision for assigning resolution
for global coverage, when using the shorter version:
<name vocabulary="Thredd">global</name>
Was this provision just left out and you can just add the resolution
element similar to non-global coverage? Since neither is listed under
"complete metadata", I wasn't sure. Thanks.