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[McIDAS #DFM-438704]: Status of GOES-19 support in McIDAS

>> That being said, you do know that Unidata no longer supports McIDAS-X, right?
> Thanks. I was waiting for an official public statement on this, but I am 
> disappointed, to say the least.

All I can say right now is you can expect an announcement relatively soon, but 
our inability to develop or support Unidata's McIDAS-X remains the plan.  I'm 
sorry that this is a disappointment, McIDAS-X has served our community well 
over the years, but the way I see it the sunset of this software coinciding 
with a new generation of Geo satellites feels appropriate.  I'd be willing to 
bet McIDAS will continue to tick away just as it has for as long as the GOES-R 
series transmits data.

I will take this opportunity to remind you of the public email list: 
address@hidden.  I'll admit there isn't much traffic on there these days, but 
there could be.

Here's to the future,

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DFM-438704
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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