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[McIDAS #HMV-801244]: ASCII file display in McIDAS-X

Hi Sohail,

> Thanks for the valuable information. Your support is really appreciated.
> While discussing with my supervisor I came to know that the satellite data
> we have is FY4, not FY2, :(:(, once again my apologies, as while discussing
> FY2 so frequently I miss typed FY4 to FY2, Pardon me for that.

OK, this is _much_ different.

> That's why
> and the main reason we can't find the dataset on SSEC Data Center. As in
> the beginning, i looked for FY4 satellite data on SSEC but I was not
> succeeded.

I don't see any imagery from the FY-4 series (of which there is only 1
so far) on the SSEC Data Center's pages either.

> Is there any ADDE server that can have FY4 data?

A quick Google search did not show any place to get FY-4 data.  I have
to believe that this will change sometime in the future.

You may want to contact the ABoM to alert them that you are not looking
for FY-2G imagery, but, rather FY-4.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HMV-801244
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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