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[IDD #ZAJ-781418]: Imglist set of data exceeding McIDAS count limit

Hi Mary Ellen,

> Apologies. I just noticed a typo in my dataset name in email below.
> Corrected here...

No worries.

> Thanks, Tom. That makes me feel better. I could have sworn using
> DIRFILE instead of REDIRECT was what we used to do but like I said
> my "old trick" is suddenly not working.

I am not sure I understand your comparing/contrasting DIRFILE and 
REDIRECTions, but no worries.

> Here is my exact situation:
> DSSERVE ADD MSG/REMAP AREA DIRFILE='/d1/msg/dec2015/2015*'
> where there are 10352 AREA files with filenames in YMD_band nomenclature

The key is that the files do not follow the AREAnnnn naming convention.
That convention is what limited the maximum number of images stored in
AREAnnnn named files to 9999, 1-9999.  The entire idea behind being able
to specify a set of images in a dataset by a regular expression was to
eliminate this restriction.  The code change I see was not implemented
in the most recent updates from SSEC, but, rather, quite some time ago.
This tells me that the change has been in McIDAS-X distributions that
you have been using, but you had not tried to list all of the files
in a dataset that has more than 9999 elements.

> > "IMGLIST: "Maximum number of images for a group exceeded"
> IMGLIST MSG/REMAP.1 9998 - this works

This would have been the correct response if your images were in AREAnnnn
named files.  It should not be the case if the set is described by
a regular expression as a directory+file (DIRFILE) mask.  But, the
code was modified to make the check, and this is just plain wrong.
Given that this limitation goes beyond image datasets for images in
AREAnnnn named files (a quick search shows that the following ADDE
servers also check for the number of elements being > 9999: 


The impact of this is big enough that I feel compelled to open an inquiry
with the MUG rather than simply make the changes in the Unidata McIDAS-X

> >IMGDISP: No images satisfy the selection criteria
> If I define an additional dataset that reduces the number of files
> to < 9999 then I am able to successfully list and display the imagery
> DESERVE ADD MSG/REMAP1 AREA DIRFILE='/d1/msg/dec2015/2015339*'  (there are 
> 336 AREA files)
> IMGDISP MSG/REMAP1.10 - works

Yea, but they should have never implemented the artificial 9999 limit in
the first place!

Again, this deserves that an inquiry be opened with the MUG!!


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZAJ-781418
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must 
let us know in each email you send to us.