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20010507: imgdisp.k in ROUTE Postprocess BATCH invocation (cont.)

>From: Brian Colle <address@hidden>
>Organization: SUNY Stony Brook
>Keywords: 200105070058.f470wSp08974 McIDAS Frame


>I had some more time to play around with this. I tried removing the
>Frame1.0 in mcidas/help, but now I get images with no map background
>(imgdisp.k: Frame 1 does not exist error in batch.log).

This indicates that there is still one or more files somewhere that
McIDAS needs to read/write from/to but they do not have write permission.

Just so I really understand your setup:

o you installed McIDAS under the ldm account?
o you do/do not have a 'mcidas' account?

McIDAS tries to determine the HOME directory of the user 'mcidas' and use
it as a default starting point in MCPATH searches under certain circumstances.

>What bother me 
>is that even my working version of mcidas on my other machine also has a
>Frame1.0 in the help dir and it also *creates* a FRAMENH.001 in

This usually happens when there is a problem in either the HOME
directory setup of the 'mcidas' user; improper/incomplete enviornment
variable settings; existing files that McIDAS needs (and should be in
the .mctmp directory) and it doesn't have write permissions to.

Another thing I have seen in accounts where the default SHELL is the C
shell is unsetting of MCPATH definitions in a script when MCPATH is
defined in .cshrc.  The solution for this is the wrapping the
definition of MCPATH with an IF construct.  This is discussed in the
McIDAS installation information.  Quickly, the form of the IF setting
in .cshrc is:

# C-shell environment variable definitions for the user 'mcidas'

# umask
umask 002


# NOTE: conditional definition is only needed for C-shell users
if ( ! ${?MCPATH} ) then
  setenv MCDATA $MCHOME/workdata
  setenv MCPATH ${MCDATA}:$MCHOME/data:$MCHOME/help
  setenv MCGUI  $MCHOME/bin
  setenv XCD_disp_file $MCDATA/DECOSTAT.DAT
  if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then
    setenv PATH ${MCGUI}
    setenv PATH ${MCGUI}:$PATH

# Limit ADDE transfers to compressed ones

What is your default SHELL?  If it is the C shell, is your MCPATH definition
conditional like the example above?

>Therefore, I also need to "fix" my working version try to get
>everything to use .mctmp

I agree.

>Overall, perhaps there is something else going on here with permissions
>given the imgdisp.k complains with: Failed to write nav for frame 1 error. 

I would check the MCPATH definitions.

>I'll keep hunting around here for a solution, but I am open to more ideas.

Let me know the answers to the questions above and we can go from there.

>Thanks again.

Talk to you later...

Tom Yoksas