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[LDM #UKY-114667]: ldm -- not getting data
- Subject: [LDM #UKY-114667]: ldm -- not getting data
- Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:24:52 -0600
[Sorry for the late reply. I'm reflooring my kitchen.]
> More info. I have norrowed down the problem to machine A. I have tried
> feeding multiple other machines from it with no luck. I have set up
> another machine that is able to receive/feed other machines with no
> problem. I stripped the ldmd.conf file on machine A down to bare bones
> with no effect, and I have reinstalled LDM with no effect. Also deleted
> and made a new queue with no effect.
> Interestingly, sometimes I can do an ldmping to machine A from machines
> that are not "allow"ed. This was occuring before stripping the
> ldmd.conf down to bare bones.
I believe the ALLOW entry on system A is incorrect. It's currently
allow ANY ".*"
The format for an ALLOW entry is, however,
ALLOW <feedset> <host pattern> [<OK pattern> [<not pattern>]]
I think your entry should be
ALLOW ANY ^172\.18\.32\.29$
I suspect that the LDM on system A is using the <OK pattern>
"", which probably doesn't match many products.
Correct the ALLOW entry, restart the A LDM, and let me know.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UKY-114667
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed