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Re: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting

Jackie and Brice,

>Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2006 12:08:33 -0500
>From: "Petit, Jackie" <address@hidden>
>Organization: Lockheed-Martin Space Operations
>To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>,
>To: "Biggerstaff, Brice A9" <address@hidden>
>Subject: RE: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting

The above message contained the following:

> Is this correct (there was nothing after the "OK")?     JACKIE:  That is
> correct.
> If so, then either 1) the product-queue on "rsaintrf" didn't have any
> data-products that were created during the last hour; or 2) some very
> unusual IP-packet filtering is going on.     JACKIE:  I've heard the
> comment that they do not customarily send data products to us.  We've
> already proven that some products get to us but the reverse has not
> worked.

Please forgive me, but I'm not sure what you mean by "customarily".  To
me, the transmission of data-products isn't a matter of custom; it's a
matter of whether or not

    1.  Relevant data-products are being inserted into the LDM
        product-queue on "rsaintrf" (I don't know);

    2.  The LDM configuration-file allows "ftpsvr" to request the
        relevant data-products (apparently, it does);

    3.  The LDM on "ftpserver" requests the relevant data-products
        (apparently, it does); and

    4.  No IP-filtering is occurring that would prevent the
        data-products from being transmitted (I don't know).

The same holds true for "rsaintrf" receiving data-products from

Brice, would you please verify that the relevant data-products are being
inserted into the product-queue on "rsaintrf" by executing the command
"ldmadmin watch -f EXP" on that host as the LDM user.

I'm also waiting for the output from the command

    notifyme -vl- -h ftpsvr.er-rsaiia-unc.int -o 3600

Jackie, would you also please execute the "ldmadmin watch -f EXP"
command on "ftpsvr" as the LDM user.

> I take it, however, that "ftpsvr" still isn't receiving data-products
> from "rsaintrf"?     JACKIE:   That is correct.  See comment above.

Steve Emmerson