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20060203: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting (cont.)
- Subject: 20060203: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting (cont.)
- Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2006 09:56:46 -0700
>From: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200602031620.k13GKp7s015769
>The permissions are correct for the LDM server programs on both
>ftpsvr.er-rsaiia-unc.int and rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov:
> ftpsvr:
> -rwsrwxr-x 1 root root 188785 Oct 24 17:02 /usr/local/ldm/
> bin/rpc.ldmd
> rsaintrf:
> -rwsr-xr-x 1 root users 368408 Dec 13 15:33 /home/ldm/bin
> /rpc.ldmd
>so that's not a problem.
OK. Did anybody check to see if the LDM had been installed on a
file system that was configured to _NOT_ allow execution of setuid
programs? This was the problem that CPTEC had.
>Host rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov is, apparently, also known as
>rsaserv.midds.jsc.nasa.gov, so it was possible that reverse lookups
>on ftpsvr were getting that name, which didn't have an ALLOW entry. I
>had Jackie add one.
Brian told me that 'notifyme's worked. Is this possible if there
is a reverse lookup problem?
>I'm having a hard time envisioning a situation where notifyme(1) would
>work but an LDM REQUEST entry wouldn't -- unless some wierd IP-packet
>filtering is occurring.
I will talk to you about this when I get in...
>Steve Emmerson
>------- Original Message
>Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2006 08:27:59 -0700
>From: Tom Yoksas <address@hidden>To: "Hoeth, Brian R. \(JSC-W
> S
> 8\)[LM]" <address@hidden>
>cc: "Biggerstaff, Brice A9" <address@hidden>,
> "Petit,
> Jackie" <address@hidden>,
> "Sims,
> Vashon J \(MSFC Secondary\)" <address@hidden>,
> "Oram,
> Timothy D. \(JSC-ZS8\)" <address@hidden>,
> "Batson,
> Bryan" <address@hidden>,
> "Schaffert,
> Lowell" <address@hidden>,
> "Sautter,
> David" <address@hidden>,
> "Zickert,
> Glenn A" <address@hidden>,
> address@hidden,
> Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Subject: 20060201: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting (cont.)
>>From: "Hoeth, Brian R. \(JSC-WS8\)[LM]" <address@hidden>
>>Organization: NASA
>>Keywords: 200602011404.k11E427s002835 LDM rpc.ldmd notifyme
>Brice et. al.,
>>I did run into Tom and his theory is that step 9 of installing the LDM
>>-steps.html) on our (JSC) side was either not performed or that it was
>>not successfully completed. This step is as such:
>>9. Install some components with superuser privileges:
>> su root -c 'make install_setuids'
>>Note that you need the superuser's password to accomplish this step.
>>This step is necessary for the LDM server to listen on port 388 (which
>>is a restricted port) and for the hupsyslog(1) utility to notify the
>>syslogd(8) daemon when a new log-file has been created.
>>He was thinking that this step either wasn't done or it was attempted,
>>but some security setting was in place to disallow the setting of user
>>ids. I talked briefly with Tim O about this on the phone yesterday.
>>Would one or both of you please check on this?
>I just want to clarify what I discussed with Brian in reaction to
>his comments that:
>- the downstream was not getting any data from the upstream
>- a 'notifyme' from the downstream to the upstream shows that the
> upstream _is_ getting data products put into its LDM queue
>If, as Brian outlined above, the LDM installation on the downstream
>did not include the final step:
><as 'root'>
>cd ~ldm-x.x.x/src
>make install_setuids
>then the rpc.ldmd process(es) on the downstream will not use port 388
>(since it is a privileged port). Instead, it(they) will attempt to
>contact the portmapper on the upstream for the feed connection, and it
>is very common for the portmapper to either not be running or the
>firewall to be setup to not allow access to the portmapper. The quick
>and easy check to see if the final installation step was done is to do
>a long listing of the ~ldm/bin directory and look at the permissions on
>rpc.ldmd and hupsyslog. If they are not owned by 'root' and/or do not
>have the setuid root permission bit set, then the rpc.ldmd will go the
>portmapper route.
>The other thing I mentioned is that the file system that the LDM is
>installed on could be configured to _NOT_ allow invocation of setuid
>root proceses. In this case, the rpc.ldmd process(es) would also run
>without 'root' privilege in the initial step of using port 388, and so
>should again try to go through the portmapper. The Brazilian
>institution CPTEC just went through this exact same scenario, so I know
>that it is possible. CPTEC's "solution" was to copy the rpc.ldmd and
>hupsyslog process to a file system that was not setup to block
>invocation of setuid root processes and create a symbolic link back to
>the ~ldm/bin directory. I don't particularly like this "solution"
>since it makes doing an upgrade more difficult (by making the person
>doing the upgrade remember that they have to copy the executables to
>the other file system and redo the symbolic link).
>The other thing I mentioned was checking the request lines in
>~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf to make sure that here were no typos in the request
>pattern (unprintable characters, etc.).
>Again, my comments to Brian were in reaction to 'notifyme' running
>successfully and 'rpc.ldmd' requests not getting any of the data.
>>From: Biggerstaff, Brice A9 [mailto:address@hidden]
>>Sent: Tue 1/31/2006 8:57 AM
>>To: Petit, Jackie
>>Cc: Sims, Vashon J (MSFC Secondary); Oram, Timothy D. (JSC-ZS8); Batson, =
>>Bryan; Schaffert, Lowell; Sautter, David; Hoeth, Brian R. (JSC-ZS8)[LM]; =
>>Zickert, Glenn A; address@hidden
>>Subject: RE: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting
>>Jackie, et al,=20
>> Just wanted everyone else to see the text of a note that I sent to =
>>Steve Emmerson - without the ldm logs that I sent to him and a few of =
>>you. If you got it double, that's why.
>> Steve,=20
>> Thanks for the information about the multi-homed servers. I am =
>>enclosing the reciprocal logs for the timeframe that Jackie sent you. =
>>They are tar'd up and gzipped. When you unzip it, there won't be a =
>>'.tar' extension, but it is a standard tar file. To clarify some =
>>information about our situation. The "SA" and "GP" files that Jackie =
>>referred to are all transmitted as LDM "EXP" files. Internally they are =
>>surface observation and GPsonde balloon data respectively, in ASCII =
>>format. On my side I am putting them in using a simple pqinsert =
>>manually. Jackie is 'bent-piping' a data feed of similar data files =
>>from local data receivers, wind sensors, radar profilers, etc., all in =
>>ASCII files transmitted as LDM EXP. She receives the data feed from her =
>>local systems and I can see that her server is getting it by using a =
>>notifyme command on our server, which you will be able to see when you =
>>check the logs. However, none of the data is ever received at either =
>>end. Until Friday that is. On Friday Jackie was able to receive two of =
>>the surface ob files, but she never received any of the balloon files =
>>that I tried to send. The major difference between the surface ob files =
>>and the balloon files, as I see it, is size. Surface ob files are ~ 240 =
>>bytes and the balloon files are ~18K. =20
>> I didn't get a chance to poke Brian about getting to Tom Yoksas at =
>>the AMS conference, but I'm sure he will if he gets a chance. As for =
>>letting you login in to the systems, the Cape system doesn't have any =
>>Internet connection that I'm aware of and ours is a restricted no =
>>incoming login, so that won't be doable, I'm afraid. Appreciate your =
>>time and assistance, Steve. We are just not seeing what we expect from =
>>our experience.
>> Also, Jackie, I will be on-site close to the LDM server this week =
>>working on another piece of our system. So, I won't be seeing my email =
>>except briefly in the mornings. If you want to try anything else or if =
>>you want to get a conference call set up with Steve or such, try me at =
>>281-483-2270 or the operators at 281-483-1045. I'll make sure to check =
>>in with them and they should be able to find me most of the time. You =
>>can try my pager at 713-764-2601, but in the bowels of the control =
>>center, it is sometimes unreliable.
>>-----Original Message-----=20
>>From: Steve Emmerson [mailto:address@hidden =
>><mailto:address@hidden> ]=20
>>Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 5:24 PM=20
>>To: Petit, Jackie=20
>>Cc: address@hidden; Sims, Vashon J (MSFC Secondary); Oram, =
>>Timothy D. (JSC-ZS8); Batson, Bryan; Schaffert, Lowell; Sautter, David; =
>>Hoeth, Brian R. (JSC-ZS8)[LM]; Biggerstaff, Brice A9; Zickert, Glenn A; =
>>Subject: Re: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting=20
>>>Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 17:07:01 -0500=20
>>>From: "Petit, Jackie" <address@hidden>=20
>>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata=20
>>>To: "Steve Emmerson (E-mail)" <address@hidden>=20
>>>Subject: RE: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting=20
>>The above message contained the following:=20
>>> Brice, Tim and I got together and did some troubleshooting and I was=20
>>> able to see some files that they sent. For some reason I could only=20
>>> see type SA files (SA04 and SA11).=20
>>I'm afraid that I don't know what "SA04" and "SA11" files are.=20
>>> When he tried to send GP type files, nothing came through.=20
>>I'm afraid I don't know what "GP" files are, either. Sorry.=20
>>In general, for a downstream LDM to be able to receive certain =
>>data-products from an upstream LDM, the following must be true:
>> 1. The upstream LDM must receive the data-products. This can be=20
>> verified by executing, on the upstream LDM's host, the command=20
>> pqcat -vl- -f <<feedtype>> -p <<pattern>> -o <<offset>>=20
>> where=20
>> <<feedtype>> is the feedtype of the data-products =
>> EXP)=20
>> <<pattern>> is the extended regular expression for=20
>> the product-identifier of the =
>> <<offset>> Is the time-offset in seconds in which=20
>> to go back in the product-queue to find=20
>> matching data-products (e.g., 300 for 5=20
>> minutes).=20
>> 2. The downstream LDM must be able to connect to the upstream LDM.=20
>> This can be verified by executing, on the downstream host, the=20
>> command=20
>> ldmping -i 0 <<upstream host>>=20
>> where <<upstream host>> is the identifier for the upstream host=20
>> (either hostname, fully-qualified hostname, or IP address).=20
>> 3. The downstream LDM must be allowed to receive the requested=20
>> class of data-products from the upstream LDM (i.e., the LDM=20
>> configuration-file on the upstream LDM must have appropriate=20
>> entries).=20
>>These three items can be combined into executing, on the downstream =
>>host, the single command=20
>> notifyme -h <<upstream host>> -f <<feedtype>> -p <<pattern>> -o =
>>If a downstream LDM process is unable to connect to the upstream LDM =
>>server, then the following command can be useful in diagnosing problems:
>> rpcinfo -n 388 -t <<upstream host>> 300029 6=20
>>This command attempts to contact version 6 of program 300029 (the LDM) =
>>via a TCP connection to port 388 on host <<upstream host>>. Because =
>>this command is non-standard, it might be necessary to adapt it to your =
>>system by using different options.
>>> They were never able to see files from us but did get notified of our=20
>>> files on the notifier. (Brice, please elaborate.)=20
>>> They had to get ready for a power outage so Brice asked if I would=20
>>> send you an E-mail to find out if having two ethernet ports could=20
>>> cause a problem with ldm.=20
>>By default, the LDM server will listen for incoming connections on all =
>>available interfaces. This is, usually, not a problem. We're running =
>>the LDM on several multi-homed computers here.
>>This default can be overridden via the $ip_addr variable in the file =
>>> They use the workstation as a bridge/firewall between their LAN and=20
>>> ours. He thinks it may be getting confused since he sees mention of=20
>>> an ldm5 and ldm6. We only see ldm6 referenced in our log (see=20
>>> attached) and only have one ethernet port.=20
>>Looking at just one downstream LDM process on host "rsaintrf", I see the =
>>following at the beginning of the log file:=20
>> Jan 27 21:10:40 ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] NOTE: Starting Up(6.4.2): =
>>rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov:388 20060127201040.869 TS_ENDT {{ANY, =
>> Jan 27 21:10:40 ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] NOTE: LDM-6 desired =
>>product-class: 20060127210938.347 TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"},{NONE, =
>> Jan 27 21:10:41 ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on =
>>rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov is willing to be a primary feeder=20
>> Jan 27 21:21:01 ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] ERROR: Terminating due to LDM =
>>failure; Connection to upstream LDM closed=20
>> Jan 27 21:21:01 ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] NOTE: LDM-6 desired =
>>product-class: 20060127211936.115 TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"},{NONE, =
>> Jan 27 21:21:01 ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] ERROR: Terminating due to LDM =
>>failure; Couldn't connect to LDM on rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov using =
>>either port 388 or portmapper; : RPC: Program not registered=20
>> ...=20
>>The above indicates that, after an initial, successful connection to the =
>>upstream LDM on host "ftpsvr" (from 21:10:41 to 21:21:01) the downstream =
>>LDM on "rsaintrf" lost the connection and was unable to reconnect =
>>because the upstream LDM wasn't available: it was unable to create a TCP =
>>connection to port 388 on the upstream host (because nothing was =
>>listening on that port) and the LDM wasn't registered with the =
>>portmapper on any other port on the upstream host.
>>The log file also contains the following:=20
>> Jan 27 21:11:03 ftpsvr rsaintrf[20348] NOTE: Data-product with =
>>signature 60f97e00a793afb4f67c7dd94fe46e41 wasn't found in product-queue =
>> Jan 27 21:11:03 ftpsvr rsaintrf(feed)[20348] NOTE: Starting =
>>Up(6.4.2/6): 20060127205131.054 TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"}}, Primary=20
>> Jan 27 21:11:03 ftpsvr rsaintrf(feed)[20348] NOTE: topo: =
>>rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov {{ANY, (.*)}}=20
>> Jan 27 21:27:11 ftpsvr rsaintrf(feed)[20348] ERROR: feed or notify =
>>failure; HEREIS: RPC: Unable to send; errno =3D Broken pipe=20
>> Jan 27 21:27:11 ftpsvr rpc.ldmd[20180] NOTE: child 20348 exited with =
>>status 7=20
>>The above indicates that an upstream LDM process was started on host =
>>"rsaintrf" feeding data-products of feedtype/pattern ANY/.* to a =
>>downstream LDM on host "ftpsvr" using primary exchange mode. This =
>>process lasted from 21:11:03 to 21:27:11 at which time the upstream LDM =
>>was unable to send a data-product to the downstream LDM because the =
>>connection was broken for some reason (the reason might be found in the =
>>LDM log file on host "ftpsvr"). At this time, the upstream LDM on host =
>>"rsaintrf" exited.
>>I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Also, =
>>if I can log onto the systems in question as the LDM user, then I should =
>>be able to more easily diagnose any problems.
>>Incidentally, Tom Yoksas will also be at the AMS meeting in Atlanta, =
>>where he will be presenting several papers on the LDM and Internet data =
>>distribution. He has considerable experience diagnosing connectivity =
>>problems in LDM networks. You might tell Brian Hoeth to look him up.
>>He'll have a laptop and the two of them might be able to solve all your =
>>problems while at the convention.=20
>>Steve Emmerson=20
>>LDM Developer=20
>>Content-Type: text/html;
>> charset="iso-8859-1"
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>><META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
>><META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =
>><TITLE>RE: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM Troubleshooting</TITLE>=0A=
>><DIV id=3DidOWAReplyText25445 dir=3Dltr>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#000000 =
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I did run into Tom and his =
>>theory is =0A=
>>that step 9 of installing the LDM (<A =0A=
>>sics/source-install-steps.html</A>) =0A=
>>on our (JSC) side was either not performed or that it was not =
>>successfully =0A=
>>completed. This step is as such:</FONT></DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr>9. Install some components with superuser =
>>privileges: </DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr> su root -c 'make install_setuids'</DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr>Note that you need the superuser's password to accomplish =
>>this =0A=
>>step. </DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr>This step is necessary for the <A =
>>href=3D"glindex.html#LDM">LDM</A> =0A=
>>server to listen on port 388 (which is a restricted port) and for the =0A=
>><B><CODE>hupsyslog(1)</CODE></B> utility to notify the =0A=
>><B><CODE>syslogd(8)</CODE></B> daemon when a new log-file has been =0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV></DIV>=0A=
>><P dir=3Dltr>He was thinking that this step either wasn't done or =
>>it was =0A=
>>attempted, but some security setting was in place to disallow the =
>>setting of =0A=
>>user ids. I talked briefly with Tim O about this on the phone =0A=
>>yesterday. Would one or both of you please check on this? </P>=0A=
>><P dir=3Dltr>Thanks!</P>=0A=
>><P dir=3Dltr>Brian</P>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV></DIV>=0A=
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><BR>=0A=
>><HR tabIndex=3D-1>=0A=
>><FONT face=3DTahoma size=3D2><B>From:</B> Biggerstaff, Brice A9 =0A=
>>[mailto:address@hidden]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Tue 1/31/2006 =
>>8:57 =0A=
>>AM<BR><B>To:</B> Petit, Jackie<BR><B>Cc:</B> Sims, Vashon J (MSFC =
>>Secondary); =0A=
>>Oram, Timothy D. (JSC-ZS8); Batson, Bryan; Schaffert, Lowell; Sautter, =
>>David; =0A=
>>Hoeth, Brian R. (JSC-ZS8)[LM]; Zickert, Glenn A; =0A=
>>address@hidden<BR><B>Subject:</B> RE: RSA Comm Test (Weather - =
>>JSC) LDM =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Jackie, et =
>>al,</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Just</FONT> =
>><FONT face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>wanted everyone else to see the text of a note that I sent to =
>>Steve =0A=
>>Emmerson - without the ldm logs that I sent to him and a few of =
>>you. If =0A=
>>you got it double, that's why.</FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>> <P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
>>size=3D2>Steve</FONT><FONT =0A=
>> face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2>,</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>> <P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
>>size=3D2> Thanks for =0A=
>> the information about the multi-homed servers. I am enclosing =
>>the =0A=
>> reciprocal logs for the timeframe that Jackie sent you. They are =
>>tar'd =0A=
>> up and gzipped. When you unzip it, there won't be a '.tar' =
>>extension, =0A=
>> but it is a standard tar file. To clarify some information about =
>>our =0A=
>> situation. The "SA" and "GP" files that Jackie referred to are =
>>all =0A=
>> transmitted as LDM "EXP" files. Internally they are surface =
>>observation =0A=
>> and GPsonde balloon data respectively, in ASCII format. On my =
>>side I am =0A=
>> putting them in using a simple pqinsert manually. Jackie is =0A=
>> 'bent-piping' a data feed of similar data files from local data =
>>receivers, =0A=
>> wind sensors, radar profilers, etc., all in ASCII files transmitted as =
>>LDM =0A=
>> EXP. She receives the data feed from her local systems and I can =
>>see =0A=
>> that her server is getting it by using a notifyme command on our =
>>server, which =0A=
>> you will be able to see when you check the logs. However, none =
>>of the =0A=
>> data is ever received at either end. Until Friday that is. =
>>On =0A=
>> Friday Jackie was able to receive two of the surface ob files, but she =
>>never =0A=
>> received any of the balloon files that I tried to send. The =
>>major =0A=
>> difference between the surface ob files and the balloon files, as I =
>>see it, is =0A=
>> size. Surface ob files are ~ 240 bytes and the balloon files are =0A=
>> ~18K. </FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>> <P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
>>size=3D2> I didn't get =0A=
>> a chance to poke Brian about getting to Tom Yoksas at the AMS =
>>conference, but =0A=
>> I'm sure he will if he gets a chance. As for letting you login =
>>in to the =0A=
>> systems, the Cape system doesn't have any Internet connection that I'm =
>>aware =0A=
>> of and ours is a restricted no incoming login, so that won't be =
>>doable, I'm =0A=
>> afraid. Appreciate your time and assistance, Steve. We are just =
>>not =0A=
>> seeing what we expect from our experience.</FONT></SPAN></P></UL>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Also, =
>>Jackie, I will be =0A=
>>on-site close to the LDM server this week working on another piece of =
>>our =0A=
>>system. So, I won't be seeing my email except briefly in the =0A=
>>mornings. If you want to try anything else or if you want to get a =0A=
>>conference call set up with Steve or such, try me at 281-483-2270 or the =0A=
>>operators at 281-483-1045. I'll make sure to check in with them =
>>and they =0A=
>>should be able to find me most of the time. You can try my pager =
>>at =0A=
>>713-764-2601, but in the bowels of the control center, it is sometimes =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Brice</FONT></SPAN> =
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>-----Original =0A=
>>Message-----</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial =
>>size=3D2>From: =0A=
>>Steve Emmerson [</FONT></SPAN><A =
>>href=3D"mailto:address@hidden"><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us><U><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =0A=
>>size=3D2>mailto:address@hidden</FONT></U></SPAN></A><SPAN =
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT =0A=
>>face=3DArial size=3D2>] </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 5:24 PM</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>To: Petit, Jackie</FONT></SPAN> =
>><BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Cc: =
>>address@hidden; Sims, =0A=
>>Vashon J (MSFC Secondary); Oram, Timothy D. (JSC-ZS8); Batson, Bryan; =
>>Schaffert, =0A=
>>Lowell; Sautter, David; Hoeth, Brian R. (JSC-ZS8)[LM]; Biggerstaff, =
>>Brice A9; =0A=
>>Zickert, Glenn A; address@hidden</FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Subject: Re: RSA Comm =
>>Test (Weather =0A=
>>- JSC) LDM Troubleshooting</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Jackie,</FONT></SPAN> =
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>>Date: Fri, 27 Jan =
>>2006 17:07:01 =0A=
>>-0500</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial =
>>size=3D2>>From: =0A=
>>"Petit, Jackie" <address@hidden></FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>>Organization: =
>>UCAR/Unidata</FONT></SPAN> =0A=
>><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>>To: "Steve =
>>Emmerson (E-mail)" =0A=
>><address@hidden></FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT =0A=
>>face=3DArial size=3D2>>Subject: RE: RSA Comm Test (Weather - JSC) LDM =0A=
>>Troubleshooting</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The above message =
>>contained the =0A=
>>following:</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>> Brice, Tim and I =
>>got together =0A=
>>and did some troubleshooting and I was </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN =
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT =0A=
>>face=3DArial size=3D2>> able to see some files that they sent. =
>>For some =0A=
>>reason I could only </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>> see type SA files (SA04 and SA11).</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I'm afraid that I =
>>don't know what =0A=
>>"SA04" and "SA11" files are.</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>> When he tried to =
>>send GP type =0A=
>>files, nothing came through.</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I'm afraid I don't =
>>know what "GP" =0A=
>>files are, either. Sorry.</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>In general, for a =
>>downstream LDM to =0A=
>>be able to receive certain data-products from an upstream LDM, the =
>>following =0A=
>>must be true:</FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> =
>>1. The =0A=
>>upstream LDM must receive the data-products. This can =
>>be</FONT></SPAN> =0A=
>><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>verified by executing, on the upstream LDM's host, the =0A=
>>command</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2> pqcat -vl- -f <<feedtype>> -p =0A=
>><<pattern>> -o <<offset>></FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>where</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2> =0A=
>><<feedtype>> is =
>>the =0A=
>>feedtype of the data-products (e.g.,</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> <FONT face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>EXP)</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2> <<pattern>> =0A=
>> is the extended regular =
>>expression =0A=
>>for</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> <FONT face=3DArial =
>>size=3D2>the =0A=
>>product-identifier of the data-aproducts.</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2> <<offset>> =0A=
>> Is the time-offset in seconds =
>>in =0A=
>>which</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> <FONT face=3DArial =
>>size=3D2>to go back in =0A=
>>the product-queue to find</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> <FONT face=3DArial =
>>size=3D2>matching =0A=
>>data-products (e.g., 300 for 5</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> <FONT face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>minutes).</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> =
>>2. The =0A=
>>downstream LDM must be able to connect to the upstream =
>>LDM.</FONT></SPAN> =0A=
>><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>This can be verified by executing, on the downstream host, =0A=
>>the</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>command</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2> ldmping -i 0 <<upstream =0A=
>>host>></FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>where <<upstream host>> is the identifier for the =
>>upstream =0A=
>>host</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>(either hostname, fully-qualified hostname, or IP =
>>address).</FONT></SPAN> =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> =
>>3. The =0A=
>>downstream LDM must be allowed to receive the requested</FONT></SPAN> =
>><BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>class of data-products from the upstream LDM (i.e., the =
>>LDM</FONT></SPAN> =0A=
>><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>configuration-file on the upstream LDM must have =0A=
>>appropriate</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us> <FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2>entries).</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>These three items can =
>>be combined =0A=
>>into executing, on the downstream host, the single command</FONT></SPAN> =
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> =
>>notifyme -h =0A=
>><<upstream host>> -f <<feedtype>> -p =0A=
>><<pattern>> -o <<offset>></FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>If a downstream LDM =
>>process is =0A=
>>unable to connect to the upstream LDM server, then the following command =
>>can be =0A=
>>useful in diagnosing problems:</FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> =
>>rpcinfo -n 388 -t =0A=
>><<upstream host>> 300029 6</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>This command attempts =
>>to contact =0A=
>>version 6 of program 300029 (the LDM) via a TCP connection to port 388 =
>>on host =0A=
>><<upstream host>>. Because this command is =
>>non-standard, it =0A=
>>might be necessary to adapt it to your system by using different =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>> They were never =
>>able to see =0A=
>>files from us but did get notified of our </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>> files on the =
>>notifier. (Brice, =0A=
>>please elaborate.)</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial =
>>size=3D2>Notifier?</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>> They had to get =
>>ready for a =0A=
>>power outage so Brice asked if I would </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN =
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT =0A=
>>face=3DArial size=3D2>> send you an E-mail to find out if having two =
>>ethernet =0A=
>>ports could </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial =
>>size=3D2>> =0A=
>>cause a problem with ldm.</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>By default, the LDM =
>>server will =0A=
>>listen for incoming connections on all available interfaces. This =
>>is, =0A=
>>usually, not a problem. We're running the LDM on several =
>>multi-homed =0A=
>>computers here.</FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>This default can be =
>>overridden via =0A=
>>the $ip_addr variable in the file "etc/ldmadmin-pl.conf".</FONT></SPAN> =
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>> They use the =
>>workstation as a =0A=
>>bridge/firewall between their LAN and </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN =
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT =0A=
>>face=3DArial size=3D2>> ours. He thinks it may be getting =
>>confused since he =0A=
>>sees mention of </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial =
>>size=3D2>> =0A=
>>an ldm5 and ldm6. We only see ldm6 referenced in our log (see =0A=
>></FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>> =
>>attached) and =0A=
>>only have one ethernet port.</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Looking at just one =
>>downstream LDM =0A=
>>process on host "rsaintrf", I see the following at the beginning of the =
>>log =0A=
>>file:</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:10:40 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] NOTE: Starting Up(6.4.2): =
>>rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov:388 =0A=
>>20060127201040.869 TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"}} </FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:10:40 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class: =
>>20060127210938.347 =0A=
>>TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"},{NONE, =
>>"SIG=3D9b7a056982e167351f69140376671e58"}} =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:10:41 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on =
>>rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov is =0A=
>>willing to be a primary feeder </FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:21:01 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] ERROR: Terminating due to LDM failure; Connection =
>>to =0A=
>>upstream LDM closed </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT =
>>face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2> Jan 27 21:21:01 ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] NOTE: =
>>LDM-6 =0A=
>>desired product-class: 20060127211936.115 TS_ENDT {{ANY, =0A=
>>".*"},{NONE, "SIG=3D4330b0a1b311f387d2038d03dd7faa67"}} =
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:21:01 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rsaintrf[20183] ERROR: Terminating due to LDM failure; Couldn't =
>>connect =0A=
>>to LDM on rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov using either port 388 or =
>>portmapper; : =0A=
>>RPC: Program not registered </FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> =
>>...</FONT></SPAN> =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The above indicates =
>>that, after an =0A=
>>initial, successful connection to the upstream LDM on host "ftpsvr" =
>>(from =0A=
>>21:10:41 to 21:21:01) the downstream LDM on "rsaintrf" lost the =
>>connection and =0A=
>>was unable to reconnect because the upstream LDM wasn't available: it =
>>was unable =0A=
>>to create a TCP connection to port 388 on the upstream host (because =
>>nothing was =0A=
>>listening on that port) and the LDM wasn't registered with the =
>>portmapper on any =0A=
>>other port on the upstream host.</FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The log file also =
>>contains the =0A=
>>following:</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:11:03 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rsaintrf[20348] NOTE: Data-product with signature =0A=
>>60f97e00a793afb4f67c7dd94fe46e41 wasn't found in product-queue =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:11:03 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rsaintrf(feed)[20348] NOTE: Starting Up(6.4.2/6): =
>>20060127205131.054 =0A=
>>TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"}}, Primary </FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:11:03 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rsaintrf(feed)[20348] NOTE: topo: =
>>rsaintrf.midds.jsc.nasa.gov =0A=
>>{{ANY, (.*)}} </FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial =0A=
>>size=3D2> Jan 27 21:27:11 ftpsvr rsaintrf(feed)[20348] =
>>ERROR: =0A=
>>feed or notify failure; HEREIS: RPC: Unable to send; errno =3D Broken =
>>pipe =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Jan =
>>27 21:27:11 =0A=
>>ftpsvr rpc.ldmd[20180] NOTE: child 20348 exited with status 7 =
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The above indicates =
>>that an upstream =0A=
>>LDM process was started on host "rsaintrf" feeding data-products of =0A=
>>feedtype/pattern ANY/.* to a downstream LDM on host "ftpsvr" using =
>>primary =0A=
>>exchange mode. This process lasted from 21:11:03 to 21:27:11 at =
>>which time =0A=
>>the upstream LDM was unable to send a data-product to the downstream LDM =
>>because =0A=
>>the connection was broken for some reason (the reason might be found in =
>>the LDM =0A=
>>log file on host "ftpsvr"). At this time, the upstream LDM on host =0A=
>>"rsaintrf" exited.</FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I hope this =
>>helps. Feel free =0A=
>>to contact me with any questions. Also, if I can log onto the =
>>systems in =0A=
>>question as the LDM user, then I should be able to more easily diagnose =
>>any =0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Incidentally, Tom =
>>Yoksas will also =0A=
>>be at the AMS meeting in Atlanta, where he will be presenting several =
>>papers on =0A=
>>the LDM and Internet data distribution. He has considerable =
>>experience =0A=
>>diagnosing connectivity problems in LDM networks. You might tell =
>>Brian =0A=
>>Hoeth to look him up.</FONT></SPAN></P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>He'll have a laptop =
>>and the two of =0A=
>>them might be able to solve all your problems while at the =0A=
>>convention.</FONT></SPAN> </P>=0A=
>><P><SPAN lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Regards,</FONT></SPAN> =
>><BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Steve Emmerson</FONT></SPAN> =
>><BR><SPAN =0A=
>>lang=3Den-us><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>LDM Developer</FONT></SPAN> =0A=
> +
>* Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program
> *
>* (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000
> *
>* address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
> *
>* Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
> *
> +
>------- End of Original Message
* Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*