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[IDV #DUV-766354]: IDV - EQ Energy release

> Hello.
> My name is Andrew, and I use IDV mostly to plot earthquake data.
> You can find some of my 3D examples here:
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA6FvKNrCh2h-H9RJOKaBJg/videos?view=0&shelf_id=0&sort=dd

Hi Andrej,

Wow! A truly amazing collection of your work. I would like to ask for your 
permission to send these to our IDV user list for
their reference.
> What I would like to know, if there is any possibility that I could somehow
> make a gridded plot of energy release, in like a 1x1km grid or smaller. For
> example, I would define a layer, lets say surface to 1km deep, and plot all
> EQs and then calculate the energy release in 1x1km or 500mx500m boxes. has
> it ever been done before?

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. The IDV can take very 
high resolution data, so any gridded data
should be no problem to load and display in the IDV. The IDV will check your 
computer and sample the data according to 
the screen resolution and load enough data to create a high quality display. I 
did play some turbulence simulated dataset that
is by 100m X 100m x 100m resolution. The resulting display is attached. Let me 
know if you have any problem playing
your dataset and please share your result with us and the community.

> Looking forward to hear from you.
> Andrew

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DUV-766354
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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