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[IDD #ADD-845815]: Information
- Subject: [IDD #ADD-845815]: Information
- Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 14:21:56 -0600
Hi Jesus,
Sorry for the slow reply... we are currently hosting training workshops for
the packages we support. Last Friday, I spent the entire day helping setting
up our conference room as a computer lab for use in the workshops.
> Well its kinda sad, because i must to work with Matlab. And yes, its better
> with a 64
> bits ^^!
Pretty much all "modern" applications run better on 64-bit machines that have
LOTS of memory. It is simply the way of the world :-)
> Your tool its easy to install it (.exe or easy auto executable)? Can i
> download it?.
The IDV is very easy to both install and use. Since it is a Java application,
since all of its displays are 3D in nature, it too runs better on 64-bit
that have LOTS of memory.
> Well cause i have to get the data and export it to an .txt. And make some
> operations
> with it ((n1,n2,n3)/3 promedium its the word?). And stuff, but i like to
> check it , if
> you dont mind.
By check it, do you mean download and install the IDV?
Getting access to the IDV is simple:
- register with the Unidata website:
Unidata HomePage
Click on the login link at the top of the HomePage and follow the instructions
for a new user.
- once registered with our website, go to the IDV Downloads page:
Unidata HomePage
Downloads -> IDV
Current Release (IDV 3.1)
Select the version of the IDV appropriate to the machine/OS you want
to run it on and download the distribution file.
After the distribution file has been downloaded, execute it. In Windows,
this is done by double clicking on the installation file and telling
Windows that you want to run it. In Linux, you will need to run the
installation script like 'sh idv_3_1u1_linux64_installer.sh'.
> If the response its possitive, can you give me the link. And the manual of the
> configuration to install it (In spanish if you don't mind, hahaha kidding).
The IDV documentation is very good and easy to follow (in English ;-):
Unidata HomePage
Software -> IDV
IDV Installation Guide
> No, my problem its with a vinculation of .dlls with matlab (sctools). So if i
> get some
> bug of .nc ill report it right away.
> Im very good, exhausted cause in my mornings i have to assist to university
> and after
> that to work, and after that play soccer. And go out with friends (dinner,
> talk, no
> alcohol, and just some times). Thats why i was waiting my weekend. Because i
> can sleep a
> couple of hours more.
> You are welcome tom, with the spanish lessons and youre welcome to visit
> Mexico ^^!!
> Have a nice day. Take. Good luck with ur annual training
> P.D. Did you have work for me in the United States, 1400 per month will be a
> nice offer
> to think in it. Hahaha
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ADD-845815
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed