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[IDD #ADD-845815]: Information
- Subject: [IDD #ADD-845815]: Information
- Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 20:19:48 -0600
Hi Jesus,
> Im Jesus Dominguez, did you remember me? I really hope so.
Yes, of course. My memory is not that bad :-)
> Well now im trying to configure my matlab 2008b with the netcdf enviroment
> libraries to read netcdf files. In this link below says your are the
> developers
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/what_is_netcdf.html
Yes, we are the developers of the netCDF.
> Well if you dont. Do you have any experience visualizating .nc extensions
> files. Cause apparently im gonna use some of them.
Yes, we have experience visualizing data in netCDF ('.nc') files, but
not in Matlab.
> I ready configured one of my pc (the oldest one to try if worked,
> apparently it did but i had some troubles with JAVA HEAP SPACE, because my
> ram memory isnt enough just only 2 gb).
Our experience with Java especially in the IDV (our Java based analysis
and visualization tool) is that it is _much_ better to run Java applications
on 64-bit machines that have "enough" (>= 4 GB) memory.
> So i decided to migrate Matlab,
> and the netcdf libraries to another pc with 8 GB of ram, but i have some
> troubles. (Isnt the point) Just asking if you of if you know someone
> with .nc in matlab experiences with windows. I really i apreciate.
Sorry, no; I don't know of a specific person/group actively using Matlab
to visualize data stored in netCDF files. We do, however, visualize
data in netCDF files in the IDV _all_ of the time.
- is the problem you are experiencing strictly a Matlab one, or is it
somehow related to the data being stored in netCDF?
If you feel that the problem is because of some irregularity with the
netCDF files, we can take a look at one of the files to see if it
is well formed (the netCDF can be used to store data well or poorly;
we see lots of poorly constituted netCDF files!).
> If you cant help neither, how are you? Im good, waiting for the weekend
> and rest.
I am well, thank you. How are you?
As far as rest on the weekend, this will not happen for us. Our annual
series of training workshops on software that we support starts on
Monday, and I have been helping get the computer lab ready for the
first workshop, THREDDS Data Server.
> Have a nice weekend = Pasa un buen fin de semanaHave = Tener (Pasar)
> a = un/unonice = buen/buenoweek+end= fin + semana (but its "fin de se
> mana")
Thanks for the Spanish lesson :-)
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ADD-845815
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed