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[LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites
- Subject: [LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites
- Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 14:00:28 -0600
Hi Adam,
> I think something is wrong with sirocco. I am only receiving IDS|DDPLUS
> data from them. Looking at rtstats shows some SERIOUS latency issues in the
> HDS|UNIWISC and won't even show me a plot for NGRID but looks good in the
Thanks for alerting us to this problem. sirocco.srcc.lsu.edu is setup to
redundantly feed from pavan.srcc.lsu.edu (the LSU NOAAPort ingest machine) and
unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu (the IDD relay at U Wisconsin/SSEC). Evidently there
is a major problem on sirocco in getting data from either of these two upstream
> The UNIWISC/NGRID latency maps look identical also. If I switch over the
> stokes being my primary....all seems to get better.
Very good.
> Am I missing something here??
As far as LSU goes, no, you are not missing anything.
> It's not bandwidth....we have a 1G pipe to the world.
It seems like we are not getting rtstats input for CONDUIT, NGRID or
NNEXRAD for tornado. Are you actually ingesting these feeds? If yes,
from whom?
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KXE-474956
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed