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[LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites
- Subject: [LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites
- Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 09:48:08 -0600
Hi Adam,
> Well an update.
> I am still having problems with sirocco (mostly only IDS|DDPLUS)
Your email prompted me to review old emails with LSU and with you to try
and figure out what may be the problem in using sirocco.srcc.lsu.edu as
one of your primary upstream feed sites...
Back in May of 2005, you and I exchanged emails about which machine at LSU
you should be feeding from. The comment made then was that pavan.srcc.lsu.edu
is the LSU machine that should be used:
From address@hidden Wed May 18 15: 38:53 2005
>From: "Adam Taylor" <address@hidden>
>Organization: ULM
>Keywords: 200505182044.j4IKirP3020384 IDD latency
Hi Adam,
>Here at ULM (tornado.geos.ulm.edu) I have noticed for quite a while that
>were are no longer feeding from seistan.lrcc.lsu.edu.
The IDD relay machine at LSU was changed from seistan.srcc.lsu.edu
to pavan.srcc.lsu.edu a couple/three months back. An announcement
was sent to ldm-users about the change, but it sounds like you
did not see it.
Given this, please test to see if pavan.srcc.lsu.edu is setup to allow
feed requests from you:
<as 'ldm'>
notifyme -vxl- -f ANY -h pavan.srcc.lsu.edu
If pavan is setup to allow your feed requests, please use it instead
of sirocco.
> I found I am also having a problem with stokes(backup).
> I am only getting IDS|DDPLUS / HDS / MCIDAS
> I am not receiving ANY NNEXRAD / CONDUIT / NGRID / FLS2 / NIMAGE
You should use 'notifyme' in the manner listed above to verify that
stokes is setup to allow your feed requests. I would do this for
each feed separately:
notifyme -vxl- -f "IDS|DDPLUS" -f HDS -h stokes.metr.ou.edu
notifyme -vxl- -f HDS -h stokes.metr.ou.edu
It could be that stokes is not setup to allow all of the feed requests
from your machine.
> To test this I connected to idd.unidata.ucar.edu. That ldm is willing to
> give me all the feed types.
We have basically opened up access to all non-restricted feeds for .edu
sites on the toplevel IDD relay idd.unidata.ucar.edu (which is a high
cluster of Linux machines).
> Can you direct me as to what I need to do.
Use 'notifyme' to verify that the upstream you are requesting from is configured
to allow your feed request(s). For those feeds where you are allowed, please
use that machine.
> Can
> I continue to feed from idd.unidata.ucar.edu until sirocco/stokes is fixed
> or do I need to just wait.
You can continue to feed from idd.unidata.ucar.edu for as long as you need. You
can also feed from idd.cise-nsf.gov. We would appreciate, however, that you
continue to try and track down why you are unable to feed from OU and LSU.
> Hard to test decoder setting when half the data is missing :D
The contact information for IDD-related issues at LSU and OU, respectively,
David Sathiaraj <address@hidden>
Mark Laufersweiler <address@hidden>
> Thanks,
No worries.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KXE-474956
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed