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[TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA

YangXin, Manuel, Baudouin, Doug,

I apologize for not sending this note this past weekend...

> I guess you meant to ask Mike to take a look at my LDM Configuration,
> since only he have access to all three LDM Server s.

We had a meeting on Friday afternoon to discuss the configuration of
YangXin's machine and the current TIGGE topology.  I am writing up the
notes from that meeting this morning and will be forwarding them to the
Unidata staff memebers who took part in that meeting for comment/revision.
As soon as we have agreed on the content/wording of the notes, we will
forward them along.

Just so you know, the following Unidata staff took part in Friday's meeting:

Steve Chiswell
Steve Emmerson
Mike Schmidt
Yuah Ho
Tom Yoksas

Again, I will be sending the notes of our meeting -- with recommendations --
later today.

Cheers for now...


> As you can see, CMA is REQUESTing TIGGE data from both ECMWF and
> NCAR LDM Servers, and it seems that CMA is getting more data that the
> amount that ECMWF inserts. Maybe I should
> However, I found out today, that the system time for my LDM Server
> is one hour ahead of GMT. I do have a NTP running in this machine
> and I have the following line in my ntp.conf:
> ...
> server 0.pool.ntp.org
> ...
> After issued "ntpdate 0.pool.ntp.org", the time still keep unchanged.
> Is this a probable cause to the above problem?
> Am I using the correct Time Server? What is your configuration for this
> parameter in /etc/ntp.conf?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> YangXin,
> Apr 23.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Manuel Fuentes
> Date: 2007-04-20 18:39:47
> To: address@hidden
> Cc: address@hidden; doug schuster; Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
> Subject: Re: Missing fields from CMA
> >Hello YangXin,
> >
> >I have been looking at the statistics, and I am not so sure of the reply
> > I provided re does CMA receive products twice.
> >
> >This is a question for LDM gurus:
> >If you look at the statistics attached, you can see that ECMWF inserts
> >about 10 GBytes/hour from 04:00 to 05:00 am on the 20th April (about the
> >same for 05:00 to 06:00 am). This corresponds to the data received by
> >NCAR from tigge-ldm.ecmwf.int. But the last chart shows CMA receives the
> >following around those times:
> >* 10 GBytes from tigge-ldm.ecmwf.int_v_ultrazone.ucar.edu
> >* ~6.5 GBytes from tigge-ldm.ecmwf.int_v_tigge-ldm.ecmwf.int
> >
> >This means CMA is receiving 16.5 GBytes of data inserted by ECMWF. But
> >ECMWF only inserts 10 GBytes. Can you, please, explain this situation ?
> >
> >You have access to all 3 LDM machines. Could you, please, have a look at
> >all ldmd.conf files and recommend a configuration to satisfy TIGGE
> >requirements ?
> >
> >Thanks in advance,
> >Manuel
> >
> >
> >
> >address@hidden wrote:
> >> Hi, Manuel,
> >>
> >> So, even both ECMWF and NCAR have same data, only one of them will send 
> >> certain product to the Product Queue in my LDM Server, then, for each 
> >> product, only one file will be written to the filesystem, right?
> >>
> >> Thank you.
> >>
> >> YangXin,
> >> Apr 18.
> >>
> >>
> >> ======= 2007-04-18 15:58:53 You Wrote: =======
> >>
> >>> Hi YangXin,
> >>>
> >>> address@hidden wrote:
> >>>> I noticed in my ldmd.conf, there are REQUESTs for ecmf and egrr from 
> >>>> both "tigge-ldm.ecmwf.int:8080" and "ultrazone.ucar.edu:8080", 
> >>>> consequently, if they belong to the same "feed type" data from both data 
> >>>> might probably saved into the same directory, will this result in some 
> >>>> certain file writing conflicts?
> >>>>
> >>> Those lines indicate what machines you request products from. Products
> >>> are unique, they either arrive from ECMWF or from NCAR.
> >>>
> >>> Hope this clarifies your concern.
> >>> Manuel
> >>>
> >>
> >> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LGY-600646
Department: Support IDD TIGGE
Priority: Normal
Status: Open