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[SCOOP #DVS-863493]: SCOOP topology, in question is in-house relay
- Subject: [SCOOP #DVS-863493]: SCOOP topology, in question is in-house relay
- Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 17:04:02 -0600
> Dr Chiswell,
> You may remember that we have two (more, actually) SCOOP LDM servers.
> sasquatch.tamu.edu has a request line for each off-site SCOOP partner's
> LDM server; and it has a request line to our LDM server and file server:
> dc-ldm2.tamu.edu
> Well, I'm in the position of wanting to pqinsert data with the pattern
> ^WANAF on the EXP feedtype from dc-ldm2 but I don't think, with our
> current configuration, these files will be requested and received by
> sasquatch. You are welcome to call me if you have questions that I can't
> seem to answer by email.
I'm assuming that your new ^WANAF products will not matc the request line you
show below from sasquatch as "^W.......-FNM" .
That is, you didn't mention what the full pattern of the new products will
be that or -TAM etc.
Anyhow, you can modify the request line to be the "^[DSW]" pattern.
You could use SPARE with ldmsend for testing as well.
Since sasquatch allows dc-ldm2 to request ANY ".*", and
dc-ldm2 does request EXP ^[DSW]" from sasquatch, then you do have the pssibility
that they would come back to dc-ldm2, but this is not likely to be
a problem given that those machines are close so that you won't have long
That is, you will get them offered back to you, but you will reject them as
Over long distances however, that is what we wanted to avoid since hosts that
have latency
and can get them offered back after they have already scoured them out of their
If you suspect that you will have a problem with getting them back to dc-ldm2
sasquatch, then I would suggest adding the "Not" pattern to sasquatch's allow
line for dcldm2.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
> On sasquatch, the ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf has (these lines mentioning dc-ldm2:
> > request EXP "^WNA.....-NCP.*ZTAMspec" dc-ldm2.tamu.edu
> > request EXP "^W.......-FNM" dc-ldm2.tamu.edu
> > allow ANY ^dc-ldm2\.tamu\.edu$
> > accept ANY ".*" ^dc-ldm2\.tamu\.edu$
> On dc-ldm2, the ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf is simple, requesting only from
> sasquatch, with:
> > exec "rtstats -f ANY -h sasquatch.tamu.edu"
> > request FSL2|FSL3|NNEXRAD|IDS|DDPLUS ".*" sasquatch.tamu.edu
> > request EXP "^[DSW]" sasquatch.tamu.edu
> > request SPARE "^[DSW]" sasquatch.tamu.edu
> > request CRAFT "K[A-Z]*" sasquatch.tamu.edu
> > request FNMOC ".*" sasquatch.tamu.edu
> > allow ANY ^sasquatch\.tamu\.edu$
> I am thinking that what we really want is to have
> sasquatch:~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf say:
> > request EXP "^[DSW]" dc-ldm2.tamu.edu
> > allow ANY ^dc-ldm2\.tamu\.edu$ ".*" "^W.*TAM"
> > accept ANY ".*" ^dc-ldm2\.tamu\.edu$
> What I need to verify is, does this sound like it will work, so that
> 1) the ^WNAM.*-NCP.*ZTAM files and the ^W.......-TAM, which are created
> and pqinserted on dc-ldm2, correctly get into the LDM queue (feedtype
> used is EXP)
> 2) there will not be a "bounce-back" effect of having the files created
> in 1) come back into dc-ldm2's queue as new products
> 3) and allow me to (for experiments only, at this time) pqinsert files
> (which a third-party scp'd to our file server (dc-ldm2)) which are not
> normally created and pushed out by dc-ldm2
> ?
> Now I'm not even sure if I've asked the question correctly or well.
> Reference our SCOOP LDM Admins meeting of 20070305 in College Station,
> Texas.
> An inelegant solution to my dilemma in this experimental phase of our
> SCOOP project might be to
> * use ldmsend on dc-ldm2, and the SPARE feedtype, to get the files into
> the ldm queue on sasquatch,
> * then have a pqact entry which takes those files and pqinsert's them
> with the EXP feedtype?
> (what would such a pqact entry look like??? SPARE (^WANAF.*) PIPE
> -close /usr/local/ldm/bin/pqinsert -v -l logfile -f EXP \1
> Thanks,
> Donna
> --
> Donna Cote
> Senior Research Associate
> The Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
> Texas A&M University
> 3139 TAMU
> College Station, Texas 77843-3139
> Office: (979) 862-3982
> Cell: (979) 324-3549
> Fax: (979) 862-3983
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DVS-863493
Department: Support IDD SCOOP
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed