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19990820: We are having problems again... (fwd)
- Subject: 19990820: We are having problems again... (fwd)
- Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 14:44:46 -0600 (MDT)
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 09:53:48 -0600
From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: 19990820: We are having problems again...
>To: Unidata Support <address@hidden>,
>To: address@hidden
>From: Scott Podgorny <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 19990820: We are having problems again...
>Organization: University of Alabama in Huntsville
>Keywords: 199908201545.JAA20891
both addresses are allowed from aqua.
Unidata Support wrote:
> >From: McIDAS <address@hidden>
> >Organization: McIDAS proyect
> >Keywords: 199908201415.IAA18376 IDD feed requests
> Karli,
> Robb Kambic will be responding to this email as well. I just felt that
> it was prudent to get some more information out to you as soon as possible.
> >As of last Tuesday we have not been getting any Satellite feeds from any
> >of our feed servers. I wasn't aware of the problem until yesterday when
> >I tried connecting to our secondary server, however the ldmd.log file
> >keeps showing the "Aug 19 05:03:40 3Q:breeze aqua[728]:
> >FEEDME(aqua.atmos.uah.edu): 7: Access denied by remote server" error
> >with our old server and "Aug 20 00:00:14 3Q:breeze pluto[3895]:
> >FEEDME(pluto.met.fsu.edu): 7: Access denied by remote server" from the
> >backup server you guys recently set up.
> This sounds like something changed on your end.
> >To top it all off, today we've
> >lost out NLDN feeds as well (latest feed dates 99231) and it too is
> >plagued by the same problem: "Aug 20 00:00:46 3Q:breeze striker[3907]:
> >FEEDME(striker.atmos.albany.edu): 7: Access denied by remote server"
> The fact that all of your feed sites have started to refuse connections
> from you tells me that the problem is almost 100% sure to be on your
> end. To test this out, I did a forward and reverse name lookup for
> your ingest machine (breeze.upr.clu.edu):
> % nslookup breeze.upr.clu.edu
> Server: laraine.unidata.ucar.edu
> Address:
> Address:
> % nslookup
> Server: laraine.unidata.ucar.edu
> Address:
> Name: breeze.uprm.edu
> Address:
> You can see from this pair of nlsookups that the machine names on the
> forward and reverse lookup are different. The LDM does the forward and
> reverse lookups to verify that a host is valid; its tests will fail
> given the different names.
> The question back to you is whether or not you have any control over
> this situation?
> >we'd been havign serious connection problems with our T1, which
> >constantly keeps falling off to the backup gateway.
> Could this be the cause of the differning names?
> >I thought that was
> >the problem originally, but even when the connections are good, we still
> >don't get anything. All radar images are OK, for the time being.
> The fact that your radar images are OK is strange IF there has been
> disconnects
> and reconnects over the same period of time to the WSI LDM.
> >Thanks in advance.
> One of the first things that we need to get you to do is initiate dialogs
> with your upstream sites when you have problems like this. It is likely
> that an email by you to the site administrator at the feed sites could
> resolve your problem a lot quicker than you sending email just to support.
> Here is the procedure:
> 1. Find the email addresses of the site administrators at your upstream sites:
> o start a web browser
> o go to the Unidata WWW HomePage:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
> o go to the Internet Data Delivery (IDD) link:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/idd/index.html
> o go to the Current Operational Status link:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/idd/iddgeneral.html#status
> o go to the IDD site contact list link:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/idd/sitelist.html
> o lookup the email addresses of the site administrators at your upstream
> feed sites:
> University of Alabama-Huntsville
> Scott Podgorny
> address@hidden
> 205-922-5819
> Florida State University
> Chris Vandersip
> (ldm|cvander)@met.fsu.edu
> 904-644-(1550|2522)
> State University of New York at Albany (SUNY-Albany)
> David Knight
> address@hidden
> 518-442-4204
> 2. Send the site administrators your email noting when your service stopped
> and the errors you are seeing in your LDM log file.
> 3. Make sure to CC address@hidden. on your message so that we
> will be aware of your situation.
> I am sending this email to the contacts at your upstream sites that appear
> to be refusing your LDM's attempt to connect to try and get you going again.
> Scott, Chris, and David:
> The University of Puerto Rico has recurring problems with network connections
> to their site. It is possible that the name that their name server
> "assigns" them changes when their networking reverts to their backup gateway
> causing a mismatch that causes your LDMs to refuse connections. Would it
> be possible to generalize the ALLOW lines in your ldmd.conf files to
> allow connections by IP address and by both of the names listed in the
> nslookup listing below? This would help them out greatly IF it fixes
> their problem.
> Thanks in advance, and please keep us informed about what is going on.
> Tom Yoksas
Scott Podgorny Phone (256) 922-5819
Senior Research Associate Fax (256) 922-5755
Earth System Science Center Email address@hidden
University of Alabama in Huntsville Web http://atmos.uah.edu
NASA Global Hydrology and Climate Center
977 Explorer Boulevard
Huntsville, Alabama 35806