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[GEMPAK #UJC-775486]: Trouble plotting Isallobaric wind in Gempak
- Subject: [GEMPAK #UJC-775486]: Trouble plotting Isallobaric wind in Gempak
- Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 09:49:41 -0600
Multiple files in GDPLOT2 can be defined using the exclamation point "!" to
separate each.
I was able to plot ISAL and HGHT from two grid files using the following
definitions, with each part separated by "!" tied to the GDFILE definition:
GDFILE = $MODEL/ruc/2012050211_ruc236.gem ! $MODEL/ruc/2012050212_ruc236.gem
GDATTIM = f000:f003 ! f000
GLEVEL = 500
GVCORD = pres
SKIP = 0
SCALE = 999
GDPFUN = knts(mag(isal)) ! hght
see if this can get you where you want to go, and let me know if you have any
more questions.
Michael James
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following errors when trying to calculate the isallobaric
> wind...
> [GDPLOT 2] The requested scalar/vector cannot be computed.
> [DG -18] TIME ^100313/0600F000 in KNTV must be a time range.
> [GDPLOT 2] The requested scalar/vector cannot be computed.
> Might it have something to do with the fact that I'm using the analyses of a
> series of runs instead of a range of forecast hours within one model run?
> I posted the relevant portions of my code below...
> GDFILE = ruc_20100313_0600.gem + ruc_20100313_0700.gem + ruc_20100313_0800.gem
> GDATTIM = 0600F000:0800F000 ! 0800F000
> GLEVEL = 925
> GVCORD = pres
> GFUNC = knts(mag(isal)) ! hght
> GVECT = kntv(isal)
> WIND = bk5//1.5
> Thanks,
> Mike
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UJC-775486
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Open