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N-AWIPS Composite BREF & VIL
- Subject: N-AWIPS Composite BREF & VIL
- Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 20:36:41 -0400
Ok finally got a few minutes to put together some screen shots.
The program I am using is new with N-AWIPS/GEMPAK 5.6.C.1. Its called
'gdradr', it was written by the
resident genius at Unidata, Steve Chiswell. It comes part of the Unidata
release of GEMPAK 5.6.c.1
I am not sure what version of N-AWIPS you are running at the SPC. 5.6.C.1
was release a month
or two ago. I assume you have the full NOAAPORT radar data on some system
off your AWIPS?
Essentially it reads all the Level III (NIDS) locally on your machine and
will create a gempak grid file.
The nice thing about the fact that it is a grid file means you can perform
all sorts of functions. In fact
Steve has one function that takes the RUC freezing level data and generates
a precipitation type composite.
Also since it is a grid you can overlay it on Satellite (as you will see in
some screenshots below).
You could then perform some ground clutter reduction as well. The program
seems to work with
all the various types of Level III data (BREF, VIL, STP, ECHO TOPS etc).
You could use velocity, but
I don't think the display would mean a heck of lot though, since the
velocity data is site referenced.
When we start getting the 1 and 3 hour rainfall totals, I will make a grid
of them as well.
It takes about 45 seconds or so to create a National mosaic grid file on
our dual P933 box.
There are two main limitations right now with gdradr. First it maxes out at
400,000 grid points. So
for a national size mosaic you get somewhere around a 6KM resolution. What
you can do though
is specify a smaller domain, like a Southeast region (thats what I have
done) and can get the resolution
down to about 1KM or better. You just run another gdradr process and define
just the radar sites within the
domain you are looking for. There may be a way to increase the max
gridpoints I am not sure.
The other problem I am running into is having the NMAP software
automatically update with the latest
composite grid. There may be away to fix this, but I haven't figured it out
Also, Steve Chiswell mentioned possibly being able to output the files in
GRIB format. I suggested
possibly outputting them as a GINI or as a WSI NOWRAD compatible file. That
way it could be
read in just as any other image type and the Auto-Update feature in NMAP
would work.
Here is a link with some info as well as some real-time examples from
Unidata using gdradr.
(Scroll down to the bottom)
(Real Time Imagery)
Here are some screenshots I took this afternoon....
(National 6KM VIL composite over 1KM VIS)
(Same as above, just a different time)
(National 6KM BREF over 1KM VIS)
(Southeast 1KM BREF Composite over 1KM VIS)
(Southeast 1KM VIL over 1KM VIS, note the 60 VIL in NW SC)
(Same as above just over 4KM IR)
(Southeast 1KM VIL)
(Southeast 1KM VIL with Hourly RUC CAPE )
(Southeast 1KM VIL with Hourly RUC CAPE )
(National 4KM VIL over Southeast with CAPE, note the monster NW of BRO)
If you made it this far, you have a great attention span!
Thats about it. Of course all of this was just using the data straight off
NOAAPORT. Hopefully you will find this of interest. If you need any help
let me know, I am sure Steve Chiswell would help too.
Ok back to work ;-)
Mike Dross
----- Forwarded by Michael W Dross/Cust/DukePower on 05/21/01 07:50 PM
"Mike Dross"
<supercell@caroli To: <address@hidden>
na.rr.com> cc:
05/21/01 01:25 PM Subject: Nice presentation!
-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Carbin [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 2:19 AM
To: Mike Dross
Subject: Re: Nice presentation!
Hey Mike!
Thanks for the note and I'm glad you liked the '84 Outbreak Talk. That was
special deal where I got to go back to see some of my old friends at the
office. I had a lot fun putting that together and giving it to the folks
back there.
I've just come off one of the busier shifts I've had to work at the SPC!
whizz, it
reminds me of the severe days we used to have at the CLT office where we'd
from the 74-C to AFOS and NWR to issue warnings! It only gets this busy
a few
times a year (I hope). What a night!
I have been very interested in installing gdrcm. Could you send me some
examples of
the imagery you have? I want to convince the "power's that be" that we need
this stuff!
Nmap2 is pretty cool and I use it extensively to do what I need to do on
shift. There are
some drawbacks in terms of user configureability that I'll keep bugging
about. :)
I do like using GEMPAK a lot and I have recently worked up the SPC/NSSL
Spring Experiment 2001 Archive Calendar. Try this day out:
I've also been into some LTG verification stuff:
So, is Nick still out there ? If so, say hello to him and I'll talk to ya
both later!
>Hey Greg,
>Mike Dross here from good ole CLT...
>Long time no talk, hope all is well with ya!
>I saw a post about the presentation you put together for the 1984 Carolina
>Tornado Outbreak.
>I really liked it. I went and found the Corel pluggin viewer:
>It looks bigger when you download the whole 10meg presentation.
>I have been enjoying the N-AWIPS software I installed here a few months
>I really
>like NSHARP.
>I just finished implementing 'gdradr', a new program Steve Chiswell wrote
>thats part of
>NAWIPS 5.6.c.1 which will composite all the indiviual nexrad sites. I am
>create a national and regional composite
>VIL and BREF product, which is stored as a gempak grid file, which you can
>then bringup
>in NMAP/NMAP2. Since its a grid you can overlay it on a Satellite image.
>overlayed on a 1KM Visible
>image is really cool!
>Anyway it looks like you are staying busy out there, let me know if you
>get back toward Charlotte.
>Take care,
>Mike Dross