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20001024: Plotting sounding data in GEMPAK
- Subject: 20001024: Plotting sounding data in GEMPAK
- Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 12:31:27 -0600
Garp currently hardcodes the yaxis in gui/upaprofcb.c to:
yaxis = strdup ("///;1");
In otherwords, it uses the GEMPAK default which yields 1020/100.
You could change this in the source code following the SNPROF
variable YAXIS format- its just not readily changeable from
within the program.
Nsharp really hardcodes the drawing of the skew-t, so that won't
be easy to change. Having two soundings for the same time/location
isa problem that I don't have any other solution for
Of course, you have total control of YAXIS using SNPROF, as well
as setting the station so that you don't have to go through
a point and click.
Steve Chiwell
Unidata User Support
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200010242055.e9OKtK423595
>Dear Unidata Support:
>I have two questions regarding the plotting of sounding data using NSHARP
>or GARP. We are using the GEMPAK software to plot two versions of the same
>archived sounding: one that contains all original observations and another
>that may contain subsitutions, if any are provided, after having gone
>through a QC evaluation.
>I noticed that the sounding plots in both GARP and NSHARP stop at 100 mb.
>Can this be changed to extend above this level? We would like to see the
>data plotted above the 100 mb level if at all possible since many most of
>the US soundings extend higher. I searched some of the e-mail archives and
>it looks like there is a sounding parameter packing file involved, but I'm
>not sure exactly how.
>Also, in NSHARP, it looks like the station selection can be done only by
>selecting its location from the map plot. Is there any way to avoid this,
>say by selecting from a station list as in GARP? Since we are in effect
>plotting the same sounding twice (although I give it two different id's)
>they plot to the exact same location, and I'm not sure how I can select
>each one separately, other than giving one of the two a bogus lat/lon
>Thanks for the help.
> ****** Signature Tag ******
> Matthew Menne
> Scientific Services Division
> National Climatic Data Center/NESDIS/NOAA
> 151 Patton Avenue
> Asheville, NC 28801
> (828) 271-4449